View Full Version : Alot going on atm

24-01-22, 17:31
I've suffered health anxiety for 2 years after I got misdiagnosed having a heart attack.

Started getting better then I caught covid. 3 months after covid I started getting hive like rashes and loosing my hair this has been going on since September. Sometimes I get hives but lately it's more like skin writing when something brushes on my skin it causes welt type scratches. I saw a derm he gave me more antihistamines I have an app with an imunolagist in Sept. But im so scared its skin lymphoma. Intake antihistamines everyday but onde I stop taking them I'm itching like mad. I have no other symptoms. My hair has started to grow back also. Has anyone gone through something similar

24-01-22, 17:51
hello there,

First, I think you should acknowledge that getting misdiagnosed in the context of a possible heart attack (either being told you are when you aren't or the other way around...) is truly awful and that would absolutely mess with anyone's head!

But, really, this does sound like a post-viral immune system issue. I know someone who had something similar after EBV/mono -- all her hair fell out and she had terrible eczema for months. Also, putting aside that you're in the UK where things are generally damper than here in the States... is there any chance this could be related to winter skin dryness? I used to itch like a mad person and develop eczema every winter when I lived in buildings that were aggressively heated from October-April. Indeed I can remember having lymphoma fears and enlarged lymph nodes concurrent to spending *hours* itching my legs, arms, etc. It always stopped in the summer and then came back with a vengeance as soon as the heat was back on.

I would also expect that if something were *cancer level* wrong, you'd have other issues, and the antihistimines wouldn't work / your hair wouldn't be getting better. As hard as it might be, perhaps remind yourself that your previous misdiagnosis doesn't make it any more likely you're being diagnosed now? Hope this helps. Best wishes to you.

24-01-22, 18:04
Thankyou so much, I hate health anxiety and how alone it makes me feel. I feel I annoy family by constantly asking for reasurance. I have a habit if googling and I know it makes me worse but I do it anyway, I'm just so scared to leave my 2 children behind, and be diagnosed with a cancer that if found early could have been treated.

24-01-22, 18:39
I know exactly how you feel on all counts of that.

But really, I would strongly doubt it's that!