View Full Version : Clean MRI so far -- why do I still feel anxious?

25-01-22, 00:32
This is going to sound embarrassing, but because my hypochondria came on so strong a few months ago, I decided to get a full-body MRI. It took a while, but I got it last Wednesday, the 19th, and the results came back in earlier today. My hypochondria had moved onwards from gastro-intestinal stuff to more neurological stuff, with me eventually abandoning a cancer anxiety after a neurological and eye exam, only for it to get replaced by a prion/CJD and ALS tie.

The results today - "unremarkable." Clean. I was happy, ecstatic for a few hours even, but then doubt began to set in. What if they weren't directly checking for those diseases? The radiologist I had who viewed it has been doing his job practically daily for 18 or so years, so if anything was atrophied or off, he'd probably see it. Then again, what I'm worried about is rare, but...if it all came back "unremarkable," I still feel...anxious?

Like, I get that I'm realistically probably fine. My PCP said that I don't have prion disease. The MRI results say I'm fine, but I'm still anxious.

Seeing my therapist tomorrow at 10:00 AM and I have a follow up with the company to discuss the results this Wednesday, the 26th, at 12:15. I'll keep everyone updated, but until then, can you guys please give me some reassurance or something? I don't know. I just feel...conflicted. My anxiety is kinda heightened, and I don't know why. The results being fine didn't affect me being worried about my health for long. Why do I still feel scared after the tests come back fine? This isn't the first time this has happened, I got anxious after blood work and neurological exams too.

Thank you.

25-01-22, 07:03
Your body is so used to being highly anxious that it's automatic.

With myself if I have a period of high anxiety I feel like my body forgets how to relax and not be anxious. Massage helps me physically, guided meditation and yoga also do mentally.

Maybe think about doing things like this?

25-01-22, 17:24
Do you have any guided meditations you would recommend? I'll try some of those, I should really start meditating at some point to clear my head of anxieties.

I talked to my therapist and I'll talk to the consultant tomorrow at 12:15. We're slowly reaching a conclusion on what to do. Thank you. If the results came back unremarkable, I shouldn't have anything to worry about. I'll probably send the results of the MRI to my PCP/Doctor soon and talk to them about it.

25-01-22, 18:06
I use the app Insight Timer - there are literally loads on there.

25-01-22, 20:24
I use the app Insight Timer - there are literally loads on there.
I'll check it out, thank you!

02-02-22, 16:22
Why do I still feel scared after the tests come back fine?

This is anxiety! The problem is never your health, it's your anxiety. No matter what result you get from tests, the anxiety won't just go away, it will find somewhere else to land. A clear full body MRI gives you more reassurance that you're in perfect health than most people on earth have at this moment! But, you could have one every day for a year and your anxiety would find something to attach to. Try and keep that in mind when you speak with your therapist. Relying on tests won't cure your anxiety.