View Full Version : Scared / tetanus

27-01-22, 18:41
oh boy here I go worrying again.

In all seriousness I've been having a tough few days. I'm seeking some support because I've been trying very hard not to get worked up but it's getting the better of me.

At the weekend I was hoovering and we've had something stuck in there for a little while, so I figured I'd sort it out. I squeezed it to try and free the blockage and ended up having a pin go right into the tip of my thumb. Turns out there was a large pin stuck in the hoover pipe which had wedged itself and I reckon it had probably been there for some time. The pin had gone through the plastic pipe when I squeezed it and into my thumb. I immediately freaked out and started worrying about infections and tetanus. I washed it with soap and an alcohol wipe immediately.

So, the wound has since healed just fine. There have been no signs of infection and I thought I might be over it until the night before last I got a MASSIVE cramp in my leg during the night, and immediately started spiralling... thinking about tetanus. My leg hurt all day after.

Now today my jaw randomly aches on both sides. I have been under a bit of stress recently but this is just torturing me today. I'm so worried I've got tetanus.

This isn't my first tetanus rodeo, mind. Something similar has happened before. But it's the physical symptom today with my jaw, it's getting me so worked up. Is there anything I can do the ease the tension in my jaw at all?

27-01-22, 20:20
Sorry to hear you are spiraling now. We are not doctors here, and even if there are few they cannot help you out online. Maybe book a GP appointment if you are concerned?

Also have you ever had a tetanus vaccination? Those things last 10 years, and could maybe give you a break from this particular HA. Of course, without tackling your HA it is likely that your anxious mind would latch onto a new issue...

28-01-22, 16:38
Sorry to hear you are spiraling now. We are not doctors here, and even if there are few they cannot help you out online. Maybe book a GP appointment if you are concerned?

Also have you ever had a tetanus vaccination? Those things last 10 years, and could maybe give you a break from this particular HA. Of course, without tackling your HA it is likely that your anxious mind would latch onto a new issue...

Thanks for replying. I've had vaccinations when I was younger. I'm in the UK so I had a few of them growing up.

Still kind of achy today. Not sure what's going on! It's impossible to see or speak to a doctor at the moment which is frustrating. I had the same issue over christmas.

28-01-22, 22:04
Sorry to hear that... Maybe try to book something even if it's in what now appears to be a distant future?

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29-01-22, 17:28
I think it’s highly, highly unlikely to contract tetanus from a pin stuck in the Hoover hose. However, if it’s been more than 10 years since your last tetanus shot, that’s really easy to sort out. Call your GP and tell them you need a tetanus shot. Super quick so I bet getting an appt for that might not be too hard? Feel better!

05-02-22, 07:41
Thanks for the responses guys. I managed to get over this hurdle as my symptoms went away. Whilst I'm still having a hard time at the moment not feeling myself and having odd spells of random depression and anxiety, I am over the tetanus fear for now. Comments here always help so thank you very much.