View Full Version : Help me! Weakness, numbness, dizziness etc

28-01-22, 13:09
Hi. I have suffered from health anxiety for a while but always manage to control it. I had covid over Xmas and now it’s back with a vengeance! For the past 4 weeks I have had a range of symptoms and they are triggering extreme panic attacks each time. I am very dizzy, more off balance. I keep waking at night with jolts into my head and down my legs which take a few minutes to wear off. I have experience numbness down the right side of my face which comes and goes. I have experienced weak legs which I feel are going to lose sensation and strength at any moment (yet never do!). I have seen numerous GPs, been to several walk in centres, been to A&E and had bloods, urine and a neurological examination done - all which seem to point towards stress, anxiety and exhaustion. But it’s so real. Currently I feel like if I stand up I’ll fall over and collapse. Convinced I have Guillaine Barre syndrome, alongside MS and other neurological illnesses. Can this really all be attributed to panic and anxiety? Currently I feel like someone is pushing down on my entire body and I can’t get up. My legs feel weak, neck and head feels numb, there’s pressure in my head abs I’m very dizzy. I can’t cope with it all - it’s debilitating.

28-01-22, 14:23
It could all be down to anxiety, plus you could still be in recovery from Covid - it does take a while for some people to get back to feeling normal.