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12-02-05, 18:49
hi everyone
can anyone tell me whether anxiety can be the cause of any other illness,i only had blood tests for thyroid and kidneys, could the dr have missed any other illness
thanks sue

12-02-05, 18:57
Hi Sue,

I'll let the more medically-minded members answer specifically but I would say that anxiety can give you a wide range of symptoms that make you feel like you're ill and so you worry about having something 'serious' and become even more anxious about it! It's a vicious circle and a nasty aspect of the condition which is 'serious' enough when you're dealing with it on a day-to-day basis.. So, chances are the Dr won't have missed anything with your blood tests and anxiety is the chief suspect!

Just my ha'peth - good luck and good health


12-02-05, 19:00
Hi Sue
Welcome to the site, I'm sure you'll find it very helpful. I think thyroid and kidney tests are pretty much the norm. Depends on what symptoms you've been having and what you told the doctor.
Take care

12-02-05, 19:06
anxiety can cause lots of symptoms that look like other illnesses but im sure the doctor wont have missed anything thats a common fear most of us have though

fan x

12-02-05, 19:37
Hi Sue,

Usually the Dr will do what is call a FBC when you have bloods taken. This is a full blood count which will give an indication of any illnesses present. If you have had Thyroid and kidney tests ( I did too), then it is likely that the Dr did a FBC too.

Anxiety disorders make us feel as though we have every illness going. In fact it is just our bodies and minds reacting to the physical and mental fatigue we get through panic and anxiety.

If you are still in doubt, ask your GP whether you had a FBC and if not, ask for one to be done. This will put your mind at rest.

Take care
Jude x

13-02-05, 09:36
hello Sue,

Anxiety doesn't cause any illness - just a lot of symptoms that make you think that you might have something more serious. You have nothing to worry about!!

Sarah :D

13-02-05, 16:32
thanks for your reply guys,youve put my mind at rest, today anyway.
ive just got a couple of other questions id like to ask, does anyone feel funny when central heating is on at home, or first thing in the morning,when the gas fire is put on, i find it makes me a bit dizzy am i going bonkers or what!
sue :D

13-02-05, 16:43
Hiya Sue

Can I ask the obvious question of "is the heating and the gas fire safe". Have they being checked for any leaks? Carbon Monoxide and all that.

If that is all ok then could it be the difference in temperatures that makes you feel a bit dizzy.

Is it only when you put the heating or the fire on?


13-02-05, 16:59
thanks for reply nicola i do get dizzy a fair bit but i cant seem to stand the f ire being on, as it seems to make feel a bit unwell, could it be my imagination doin it ? i had my gas serviced a few months ago, so i dont think its that, i also get a flushed face and my chest feels hot aswell, is that to do with the dreaded anxiety too[:I]
regards sue:)