View Full Version : Lump inside nose

30-01-22, 17:13

I suffer with health anxiety first and foremost so I know I’m probably being dramatic.
The other day I was cleaning my nose with tissue and I felt a bump inside, not like a spot but like it’s apart of the inside of my nose. I don’t know if my nose has always had this but when I checked the other side and didn’t have the same bump i immediately freaked out. In my mind if I don’t have the same thing on the other side then it’s not supposed to be there. I’ve instantly gone to cancer and I googled like a fool which instantly shows up either nasal polyp but this doesn’t hang and isn’t grape/teardrop shaped and the other option of course is nasal cancer. I’m trying so hard to be rational and tell myself nasal cancer is very rare, it’s not giving me any issues and it wouldn’t grow like that overnight. But then the little devil on my shoulder likes to tell me well maybe you have had it a long time which I argue back well surely I would have other symptoms and issues if that was the case. I’ve had no pain or bleeding from it everything nose wise is fine. It’s just there. And if I hadn’t cleaned my nose I would have been none the wiser. The thing is also I feel like I’ve felt it before and not paid attention to it as I thought it was just how my nose is but because I decided to compare with the other side of my nose I’ve freaked myself out.
I asked my partner he said it doesn’t sound like anything and that if he was concerned he would send be straight to the doctors. I wish that would be enough reassurance for me but it’s not and I’ve made a telephone consultation with my doctor ☹️ Very annoyed with myself. I would normally wait 2 weeks over worries but because I don’t know how long it’s been there I’m scared. I’m also worried she won’t take me seriously and say it’s just my health anxiety which yes partly I agree but there is definitely something there which I’m unsure about and need a definitive answer to to reassure my mind.
I could leave it and see if it does anything but then I fear I would be too late to do anything about it. Health anxiety is evil it really plays with your mental health! Anyway I hope someone can give me some advice or a kind word. Thanks in advance.

31-01-22, 08:16
I made the decision to cancel my phone consultation with the doctor today regarding my nose. I feel like I’m only fuelling my anxiety and seeking reassurance from the doctor when I know deep down all is ok. If anything gets worse then of course I know to call the doctors but right now I am ok and I know I’ve felt this thing in my nose before so it’s been there a while maybe even always and it’s never changed or caused me any bother. I’m going to keep with this frame of mind and not constantly check. I will check once a week then once every two weeks ect until I don’t check anymore.
I have also got a phone appointment to see if I need cbt which I know I do I’ve done it before but I feel I need it again to help refresh everything I learned previously. This is me trying to take a hold of my life for the better and not allow health anxiety to ruin my life! I’ve really had enough of it, it’s exhausting and I don’t want to look back and think wow you wasted all those years worrying about nothing!

31-01-22, 17:13
Good for you! It sounds like you're making positive steps.

01-02-22, 10:46
Thank you! I’m trying taking it day by day. I do still get moments of panic in the day but I talk myself out of it and stay calm.