View Full Version : Tiny spots on breast rash and lump underneath

01-02-22, 10:14
Hi everyone.
I've been a member on here for years and often pop by when I'm struggling with my HA as it's such a supportive forum and always makes me feel much better. I haven't actually posted for years but am now having a really rough time and would value some support.
Between two and three months ago (can't remember exactly when), a strange rash appeared on my right breast, about an inch above my areola. It basically consists of about 18 (okay, I've counted!) tiny bumps that look flesh coloured in some lights and red after I've been in the shower and at other angles. I think the bumps are where the pores are but almost look like scars. You could cover them with a UK 2p coin. It doesn't itch, though my breasts have been itchy on and off for the last couple of years, mainly in the winter and perhaps because of my age - almost 42.
I was originally worried about either IBC or the patch/rash pointing to an underlying internal cancer but did a great job of burying my head in the sand and trying to ignore it. It's slightly more noticeable now than when it first appeared but isn't hugely different. I've tried e45 cream and daktarin but neither made any difference.
Last week, when I was applying some e45 cream all over both breasts, I thought I could feel a lump under the patch and so went to see the GP the same day. He said he was largely unimpressed by the rash (his way of trying to calm me I think) but could feel a lumpy area under it that wasn't the same on the other side and that needed to be checked.
I've also got awful pain in my right shoulder and arm that the GP gave me exercises for but I've convinced myself it's stage 4 spread.
He referred me under the 2ww pathway a week ago today (Tue) and on the Fri I missed a call from an unknown number which turned out to be the clinic. They left a voicemail saying they'd put the appointment letter in the post but nothing yet.
I keep jumping wildly from it will be fine, to I'm going to leave my children and bursting into tears all the time. Really struggling to hold it together and work and eat and sleep.
Sorry, I know that was long and rambling!

01-02-22, 21:09
Oh hun, I know how you feel with the worry of leaving your children! It’s how I feel whenever I have a HA issue!!! I lost my mother to breast cancer, 17 years ago, and it’s my fear that I’ll do the same!

I’m currently awaiting results from a breast biopsy. I’ve just turned 40, and since my early 20’s, I’ve been in and out the breast clinic with various lumps! They’ve all turned out to be nothing.

I’ve also had patches of dry/rash areas, that went away with no issues. I guess it’s still skin, and it can get rasht! So try not to worry about that.

As for the lump, it could be so many benign things.

This most recent lump was also nothing! But while I was there, I was advised to have my first mammogram. I’d never had one before as I was too young. Then pregnant or breastfeeding for the last 9 years!!

Anyway, the mammogram showed up that I had widespread calcification. Scattered all over both, which they said was nothing to worry about. But I also had a couple of areas where there was clusters, on both breasts. So I’ve had the bigger one biopsied, and I get the results on Thursday. I’m absolutely terrified!! But trying to hang on the the reassurance from the Drs that it’s probably normal for me, as this is my first one, there’s nothing to compare it to!

I also know what you mean about the pains in the shoulders and armpit etc! I’ve had awful pains! But I spoke to my Dr today, and he said that other than the calcification, my scan was clear. So he thinks they’re just psychosomatic. Which I agreed with, as I always get aches and pains related to any worries I have!!

Just late month I had a cervical cancer scare!! While it was waiting for results, I was having all kinds of pains in my abdomen, back, legs, hips, etc!! And since I’ve been told it’s nothing, they’ve all gone!

I hope you get some good news soon. Xxx

03-02-22, 11:39
Thanks so much for the reply Linze, really appreciate it and hope you get positive results today.
I think I'm struggling this time as there's something real I can see and feel - the lump and rash - so feels less 'just in my head'.
I've got my appointment next Tuesday at 3pm so fingers crossed.
Thank you again.