View Full Version : Terrified of getting annual checkup

01-02-22, 18:37
I know I should get an annual checkup with my Dr but I am terrified to do it. It's been way way to long. The thought of picking up the phone to call makes me panic. I don't know what to do. Has anyone been through this? I'm terrified of bad news or having to follow up because of an odd test result. I physically feel fine. I exercise every day, not overweight and do a decent job with my diet. I don't know how to get passed this fear. I thought about going to a pharmacy for some basic tests (blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol) as a way to take "baby steps" to making an appointment with my Dr for a real checkup.
Anyone else go through this?

01-02-22, 19:17

I have a similar fear. Well, the only thing i can say is, just do it. With a do or die attitude. If you can exercise, it’ll probably be fine. And if anything, you should know early.

I picked up my phone and arranged it in march.

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01-02-22, 21:18
You posted this back in 2019.....think about how you got through it then.... you were just as scared..but here we are 3 years later and you are still here, you have no problems.... so you can do it again this year.

and if you don't go? you are just going to spend your time worrying about your health anyway?


01-02-22, 21:34
I just went through this myself. It's no fun. I grouped all my doctors appointments at once and powered through it. I won't lie...I was scared...but felt better when I got a clean bill of health. You likely will get a clean bill of health as well. Of course, I'm on here obsessing about something else now..but that's an aside. You got this. You can do it.