View Full Version : Does anyone elses health anxiety get worse just before period?

02-02-22, 11:54
I am coming on my period in around 5 days. I always seem to convince myself something is seriously wrong around this time.

I also seem to go to the toilet more (3 times a day- number 2) which makes me panic.

I have some minor health things going on but at this time of the month I am convinced im dying.

Does anyone have any tips on how to rationalise this?



02-02-22, 14:52
I always have increased anxiety before my period, and yes I have bathroom issues as well. Don't let this worry you, it's totally normal.

02-02-22, 16:26
Yes - my anxiety was always worst before my period. What's worse is since I had a hysterectomy last year (but still have ovaries) I never know when to expect it now!

02-02-22, 18:34
I always have increased anxiety before my period, and yes I have bathroom issues as well. Don't let this worry you, it's totally normal.

when I calm down I can rationalise. I think it’s more that any worry I have is excaberated by being due on. And as I have health anxiety a lot of these worries are health related and I fall back into really bad habits.

I guess I just need help with coping mechanisms

02-02-22, 18:35
I am sorry you are having to go through that :( hopefully as time goes on there might be a bit of a pattern!!

07-02-22, 20:44
This is absolutely meeeeee.. a few days before my period I am a rampaging bull on the Google convincing myself of having a serious life threatening disease. Usually heart/lung/brain related 🤣 then I come on my period and I’m ok. My sister gets angry before her period I get anxious. It’s the hormones hun they play havoc with us women x

22-04-22, 20:51
Yes 100% and during my period too . As I get older (50 this month) I find this even worse . I am convinced hormones don’t help .

24-04-22, 08:44
I used to get very emotional around the time of my period. Also, I craved family-sized bags of chocolates. :huh:

The way I understand it is that oestrogen levels drop before a period and the hormone progesterone works alongside oestrogen to keep things balanced - progesterone being the calming hormone. An imbalance in one affects the other. This would explain why you feel more anxious before your period. It also explains why non HRT taking menopausal women (like myself) have psycho moods from hell that last for years, rather than days ha ha.