View Full Version : Sleep problems again. Not getting sleep even though I really need it. Scared.

21-07-21, 20:30
I've posted about past bouts of insomnia years ago so this is not a new issue. However, this is the worst it's been for me and i'm generally scared. I want to post what's going on in hopes I can get feedback/help.

So, the past few nights I'll go to bed around 11 pm. I take something like Benedryl or Motrin PM to try to help with sleep. Benedryls usually help me but last night, I'm not so sure. My phone is on night mode at night so it doesn't affect my eyes with blue light. I will occasionally note the time at night if I'm getting out of bed to use the restroom. What I remember is sort of feeling like maybe I was dozing off but not much time going by. For example, I went to bed around 11:45 pm last night and while my memory is a bit foggy, I remember it being 2:22 am and perhaps I slept a little bit there prior to that. Then I went back to bed and I think I remember it being 3 something but not sure if that was previous night or last night. I remember taking something around 4:00 am and then again at 5:20 am because I still wasn't knocked out yet.

I have my curtains down to dampen any sunlight when it gets to be time for sun to get up and I recognized I was still up as it was getting brighter. I knew it was the 6 am hour. I don't remember much aside from trying to be calm and telling myself I'll eventually sleep when I need to. I guess I did pass out but I don't know when it was. I only recall getting up to see it was 8:17 am. It kind of felt like I was sleeping because of how i lifted myself up and opened my eyes. I proceeded to go back to bed and then it was 9:27 am.

I do not know if I slept at all though because I have nothing to go on. I feel fine and alert today but had some redness in my eyes. I did consume a bit of caffeine but would that even be able to cover up the effects of a night of no sleep? That's what I'm mostly worried about. I don't know if I slept last night at all. I know being fixated on the times during the night is bad but it doesn't affect my mindset at night when trying to sleep. I only look to measure if I was sleeping or not.
The past several nights have been like this with like no sleep until 6 or 7 am. It's frustrating to go the whole night and sleep just doesn't come. I don't use electronics before bed, no caffeine 12 hours out, I take stuff to help me sleep, and I'm relatively calm going to bed. I thought about stuff I look forward to and relaxing stuff. Sleep just never came. (unless I did sleep from some of the gaps in time I mentioned earlier but I can't say for sure.)

Not sure what to do. I'm worried I'll go sleepless for days to the point where I'll die. Is that even a possibility or will I sleep eventually? I need to know for peace of mind. Like, I've heard stories of people dying from forcing themselves up for 11 days but I'm actually trying to sleep so I can't imagine that'd happen to me. But despite these nights, I've felt fine during the day and able to work my job without ever feeling exhausted. Well, I do get tired from my job but nothing out of ordinary I would say. Able to drive home at night too. All on just 110 mg of caffeine; 2 cans of soda for whole day. I would imaging the caffeine intake is small enough to where if I was sleep deprived, it would show itself?

It usually takes me a while to fall asleep on a normal night but only an hour or so. And my normal for sleep is 6 hours. If I get that, I'm golden all day. But I know I haven't been getting that and it's only adding to my anxiety when it comes to how I'll sleep each night. I did get out of bed with "sleep/eye gunk" in my eyes so perhaps that's a sign I did sleep a little? The small amount of sleep is concerning and makes me wonder if I'll make it through this. Yes, I feel fine during the day and even after 10+ hours of no caffeine, I don't feel any different or sleepy. Idk what that means but I know I'm not getting much sleep so it's strange.

21-07-21, 22:13
When I went through this I started listening to podcasts so quiet that I had to strain my ears a little to hear them. and eventually I realised I was missing huge chunks of them so i MUST have been asleep. Worrying about it is pointless and counter-productive - but you already knew that. ;)

21-07-21, 22:21
I was the same when going through a particularly bad phase of anxiety. I could drift off for maybe an hour or so at a time during the night but couldn’t get any solid sleep. I think it’s just because our bodies are in a heightened state of anxiety, it’s not really conducive with solid sleep lol. I was very worried about it too at the time for the same reasons as you.

You’re obviously thinking about it a lot because you’re noting the times you’re awake and also noting the amount of caffeine you’re consuming. Thinking about it isn’t going to help but I know how hard it is not to!

I think it lasted a week or two with me, then I just started sleeping properly again. Trust your body/brain, they’ll make sure you get enough sleep.

Sorry that I haven’t got any real advice, just sharing my similar experience. You’ll get there pal!

21-07-21, 22:27
I was the same when going through a particularly bad phase of anxiety. I could drift off for maybe an hour or so at a time during the night but couldn’t get any solid sleep. I think it’s just because our bodies are in a heightened state of anxiety, it’s not really conducive with solid sleep lol. I was very worried about it too at the time for the same reasons as you.

You’re obviously thinking about it a lot because you’re noting the times you’re awake and also noting the amount of caffeine you’re consuming. Thinking about it isn’t going to help but I know how hard it is not to!

I think it lasted a week or two with me, then I just started sleeping properly again. Trust your body/brain, they’ll make sure you get enough sleep.

Sorry that I haven’t got any real advice, just sharing my similar experience. You’ll get there pal!

My biggest worry is just that if I won't sleep at all. Because I know I always have circles under my eyes regardless of how I sleep so that's just allergies. However, I feel fine during the day despite very limited amount of caffeine. Even hours after my last consumption of caffeine, I don't feel much of a drop off if any and I'm not nodding off or unalert. I would say that's a good sign I'm getting SOME sleep?

Getting any sleep at all I consider a blessing with how the last few nights have gone for me. I woke up with redness of eyes but eye drops seem to have helped make them look better. Not sure if that would be the case if it were lack of sleep.

21-07-21, 22:32
One thing I do which does help is lie there and tell myself, "At least I am resting my eyes. I am resting my eyes, and that's good."

We really don't die of lack of sleep. It regulates itself if we let it.

21-07-21, 22:50
I do try to let it. It just hasn't been coming to me at all. I guess I did fall asleep late into the morning but it took so much to get there. I took 2 doses of Zzzquil at separate intervals and after the second one, I got worried because usually one dose does the trick. This is usually in the middle of the night. I take Benedryl to start and sometimes I drift in/out of sleep but as usual, it leaves me wondering if I slept. So I take something around 4 or 5 am, Zzzquil. It's been my go to routine at night for many weeks now. I wish I didn't have to even get up to take it in the middle of the night but it usually always works and puts me out.

My general worry is when it doesn't work and I just won't shut off. Why? I should be plenty tired to sleep at night with no caffeine in me by that point. It just makes me question if I'll sleep at all nowadays. I haven't been having any drowsiness during the day but I wouldn't say I feel completely perfect body wise.

22-07-21, 06:47
So, the past few nights I'll go to bed around 11 pm. I take something like Benedryl or Motrin PM to try to help with sleep. Benedryls usually help me but last night, I'm not so sure. My phone is on night mode at night so it doesn't affect my eyes with blue light. I will occasionally note the time at night if I'm getting out of bed to use the restroom. What I remember is sort of feeling like maybe I was dozing off but not much time going by. For example, I went to bed around 11:45 pm last night and while my memory is a bit foggy, I remember it being 2:22 am and perhaps I slept a little bit there prior to that. Then I went back to bed and I think I remember it being 3 something but not sure if that was previous night or last night. I remember taking something around 4:00 am and then again at 5:20 am because I still wasn't knocked out yet.

Mistake number one: NEVER check the time when you wake up!

Reason being is that looking at the clock and realising it's only 2am or 4am( or whatever) releases stress hormones because we worry that we won't get back to sleep etc. This triggers the fight or flight response and then it's a case of not being able to go back to sleep because of the hormones (inc ADRENALIN) or it's a sleep/wake cycle and we never reach deep and restful sleep..

You need to get yourself a bog standard alarm clock and move it away from you so you can't see it. All that matters is that you hear the alarm go off when you need to. Not a good idea to have mobile phones by the bedside as they emit EMF and that interferes with sleep. I put mine onto aeroplane mode and well away from my bed.

I have my curtains down to dampen any sunlight when it gets to be time for sun to get up and I recognized I was still up as it was getting brighter. I knew it was the 6 am hour. I don't remember much aside from trying to be calm and telling myself I'll eventually sleep when I need to. I guess I did pass out but I don't know when it was. I only recall getting up to see it was 8:17 am. It kind of felt like I was sleeping because of how i lifted myself up and opened my eyes. I proceeded to go back to bed and then it was 9:27 am.

Mistake number 2 - going back to bed. You should have got up at 8.17 and stayed up. With insomnia, you need a routine. You need a set bedtime and a set wake up time and you need to stick to those no matter what happens in-between. The likeliness is that the following night you will sleep more.

Also, don't nap in the afternoons if you can help it...

That's what I'm mostly worried about. I don't know if I slept last night at all. I know being fixated on the times during the night is bad but it doesn't affect my mindset at night when trying to sleep. I only look to measure if I was sleeping or not.

Mistake number 3 - worrying about not sleeping.

You're actually sleeping more than you think you are. It might not be a lot of the restful sleep, but you will be sleeping. The worst thing we can do is to worry about waking up. That's setting ourselves up to do just that! What you do is to say to yourself. 'It doesn't matter is I wake up in the night. It won't hurt me. I'll just do some breathing exercises and then I'll go back to sleep. The only reason you wouldn't go back to sleep is if you start to overthink it and release those stress hormones, right?

If you feel 'wired' it's best to get up and go and do something to burn off that energy. It's not unusual for me to be cleaning at 2am when my body is overwhelmed with stress hormones!

The past several nights have been like this with like no sleep until 6 or 7 am.

See, this isn't what you said at the start of your post...

Below is what you said...

I went to bed around 11:45 pm last night and while my memory is a bit foggy, I remember it being 2:22 am and perhaps I slept a little bit there prior to that. Then I went back to bed and I think I remember it being 3 something

Clearly, you slept. Yet in another sentence you're saying that you had 'no' sleep until 6 or 7 am, and it's dialogue like this that makes the issue so much worse!

It's frustrating to go the whole night and sleep just doesn't come. I don't use electronics before bed, no caffeine 12 hours out, I take stuff to help me sleep, and I'm relatively calm going to bed. I thought about stuff I look forward to and relaxing stuff. Sleep just never came. (unless I did sleep from some of the gaps in time I mentioned earlier but I can't say for sure.)

It did, trust me..

Not sure what to do. I'm worried I'll go sleepless for days to the point where I'll die.

Not going to happen, and that's not what's happening now.

Like, I've heard stories of people dying from forcing themselves up for 11 days but I'm actually trying to sleep so I can't imagine that'd happen to me. But despite these nights, I've felt fine during the day and able to work my job without ever feeling exhausted. Well, I do get tired from my job but nothing out of ordinary I would say. Able to drive home at night too. All on just 110 mg of caffeine; 2 cans of soda for whole day. I would imaging the caffeine intake is small enough to where if I was sleep deprived, it would show itself?

If insomnia was a massive issue to your body, you would be feeling like shit - unable to function - and falling asleep throughout the day..

What soda do you drink? Is it Cola? Because that stuff generally has shit loads of caffeine in it. So does chocolate. All you're doing is looking at the coffee intake. You could potentially be consuming a lot more caffeine than you think!

It usually takes me a while to fall asleep on a normal night but only an hour or so. And my normal for sleep is 6 hours. If I get that, I'm golden all day. But I know I haven't been getting that and it's only adding to my anxiety when it comes to how I'll sleep each night. I did get out of bed with "sleep/eye gunk" in my eyes so perhaps that's a sign I did sleep a little? The small amount of sleep is concerning and makes me wonder if I'll make it through this. Yes, I feel fine during the day and even after 10+ hours of no caffeine, I don't feel any different or sleepy. Idk what that means but I know I'm not getting much sleep so it's strange.

I had severe insomnia for years and even I realised that I was actually getting more sleep than I thought I was because I did a sleep test which proved it. My problem was (is) that I keep waking up and also, then, I was having nocturnal panic attacks almost every night. I still wake up throughout the night and never feel rested - I haven't had a restful night's sleep in 10 years - but this appears to be an issue with people with the condition that I have - fibromyalgia. It's some kind of delta wave issue to do with pain, so I've had to accept it. I was up at 1.30 am this morning because I was in pain. As I said, I don't check the time but it's necessary when I have to take my migraine medication -hence I knew the time..

I slept on and off and now my eyes are on fire and I have only a few 'spoons' to start the day with - but I'm not worried or anxious. I accept it.

I honestly don't think you have as serious a sleep issue that you imagine you do and with a few tweaks to your lifestyle, and some relaxation techniques - and of course, acceptance - I'm sure you will be able to get back on track with sleep..

Hope this helps you..

22-07-21, 15:57
Update: Last night was weird but I'd like to think I did better. So I went to bed around 10:30 pm. I struggled to sleep for a bit as usual so I got up and read some books, etc. At around close to 2 am, I decided to try to go back to bed. I don't remember much other than going to the bathroom and the clock in the hallway saying 3:50 am.

Here's the thing though: It felt like I was laying there in some kind of trance and that I wasn't actually sleeping. Time did pass clearly but I didn't feel like I was waking up. This happened again after I went back to bed and was up at 6 am. (I know because of it getting lighter outside my window.) So 2 hours had passed suddenly and it didn't feel like I had layed there awake for 2 hours. But it also didn't feel like I was asleep for 2 hours either. It felt like I was snapping out of some kind of trance and I snapped out of it. I went back to bed and I remember laying there for a good bit but I think I kinda dozed off in and out of sleep till close to 10 am.

But again, it didn't feel like I was sleeping. Clearly, I must have been if time is passing? I did not look at the time as much last night but the whole laying there awake but in a trance feeling bothers me. Was I really sleeping? If not, I guess I somehow pulled an all nighter but I don't feel too bad overall.

I woke up with redness in my eyes and watery eyes with the whole area around my eyes feeling weird. I felt that feeling last night too but it's not to be confused with sleepiness or anything. I never felt sleepy going into bed last night. Idk if that's cause for concern. If I don't feel sleepy, is it possible to go without sleep and just not truly feel like I should be feeling?

22-07-21, 17:35
Everyone needs different amounts of sleep. I suspect that the times when you aren't sure whether you were asleep or not, that you probably were.

Do as Nora suggests, set a routine and stick with it, no distractions in the bedroom. If you wake in the night, get up, go and do something; get a drink (no caffeine), read, tidy, then go back to bed a little while later.

One of the first things that go to pot when I'm anxious is my sleep and for a few days last week it went completely haywire. I'm on more of an even keel thankfully now. But last week there were a few days I could barely function and felt thoroughly awful.

Also maybe discuss with your GP different sleep medication? I think you can buy melatonin over the counter in the US and I've used it in short spells I the past and found it beneficial.

22-07-21, 17:54
Everyone needs different amounts of sleep. I suspect that the times when you aren't sure whether you were asleep or not, that you probably were.

Do as Nora suggests, set a routine and stick with it, no distractions in the bedroom. If you wake in the night, get up, go and do something; get a drink (no caffeine), read, tidy, then go back to bed a little while later.

One of the first things that go to pot when I'm anxious is my sleep and for a few days last week it went completely haywire. I'm on more of an even keel thankfully now. But last week there were a few days I could barely function and felt thoroughly awful.

Also maybe discuss with your GP different sleep medication? I think you can buy melatonin over the counter in the US and I've used it in short spells I the past and found it beneficial.

Yes, I have been setting a routine and doing as Nora says. I was actually going to take something in the middle of the night around 2 am but opted not to. I went back to bed and it was suddenly 3:50 when I got up to use the bathroom. (there's a mini clock in hallway). From there, I guess I was out a bit because it was suddenly 6 am. Which normally I would have been going to work but I called off because I need to get back on track. Plus, my job has me working 2 pm to 11 pm 4 days of the week, then 1 random 7 am shift. It's hard to change gears like that.

That said, I want to believe I was sleeping during those lapses in time. It just didn't feel like I was sleeping but I don't recall being awake either if that makes sense. If I was awake for those periods of time, I probably would have known it. Also, I feel fine so far today. I just have some light pressure in my head, eyes don't burn but they always have this weird feeling around them.

I'm really hoping I did sleep last night because that would be an improvement for me. It does scare me that there's a chance I wasn't sleeping and my body just isn't showing the effects of it for some reason. If that's even possible. But like Nora said, i'm probably worrying too much.

23-07-21, 08:55
Plus, my job has me working 2 pm to 11 pm 4 days of the week, then 1 random 7 am shift. It's hard to change gears like that.

Shift work plays havoc with your circadian rhythm. I worked noons like you (and with the occasional early morning on a Saturday) but this kind of stable shift pattern is the better option RE sleep so that's one good thing..

That said, I want to believe I was sleeping during those lapses in time. It just didn't feel like I was sleeping but I don't recall being awake either if that makes sense. If I was awake for those periods of time, I probably would have known it. Also, I feel fine so far today. I just have some light pressure in my head, eyes don't burn but they always have this weird feeling around them.

You were sleeping...

I don't usually advocate Googling to HAers so I've done it for you (because my HA is under control) and typing in 'Feeling spaced out on Benadryl' shows that loads of people are reporting this so I suggest that your 'spaced out' sensation is more to do with the medication than anything else?

23-07-21, 15:06
Yeah, that would make sense as to why I don't recall much or feel like I was sleeping. Just out of it really.

As far as last night goes, I went to bed around 10:45 am. I made an effort not to check time last night or at least not as much. I remember being up for a while as it usually takes me a while to get going. I was still up around 12:30 am when using bathroom but I remember getting up at 3 am, then 4:30 am. I took some ZZZquil around that time and aside from laying in bed for a while, that's all I remember. When I did get up for the day, it was 8:45 am. My eyelids were a little bit sticky as I was opening them. I assume that's a good sign I was sleeping. ("sleep" in the eyes usually forms during sleep from what I remember reading on it.)

Not sure how to feel but I think I did okay last night. I had my phone in Airplane Mode and in night mode as well. One thing that does bother me is not knowing for sure where the sleep I am getting is. I'm going to assume not recalling anything between 4:30 and 8:45 aside from laying in bed for a little bit is a positive sign.

23-07-21, 17:33
One thing that does bother me is not knowing for sure where the sleep I am getting is. I'm going to assume not recalling anything between 4:30 and 8:45 aside from laying in bed for a little bit is a positive sign.

It really doesn't matter. You are sleeping and you feel OK.

Maggie Thatcher ruled this country on about 4 hours sleep!

You're fine. Stop focusing on it. It's not the issue you think it is...

23-07-21, 17:43
It really doesn't matter. You are sleeping and you feel OK.

Maggie Thatcher ruled this country on about 4 hours sleep!

You're fine. Stop focusing on it. It's not the issue you think it is...

Other than pressure like feeling in my head which gives the illusion i'm unsteady when up and walking at times. I'm not sure why I have had that the past few days but my alertness is fine.

My fear stems from an episode of insomnia years ago where I went all night without sleep and did not feel bad at all the following day. I remember the night very well because I was tossing and turning all night long. Regardless of if it is irrational or not, it makes me feel like I might not feel effects of no sleep until way later than the normal person. Even at night when it's time for bed, I never really truly feel sleepy.

I'm guessing that's normal though. There's just so much I don't know but I'll try to let it go. It's not easy for me because I get anxiety real easy when it comes to health related issues.

24-07-21, 07:48
My fear stems from an episode of insomnia years ago where I went all night without sleep and did not feel bad at all the following day. I remember the night very well because I was tossing and turning all night long. Regardless of if it is irrational or not, it makes me feel like I might not feel effects of no sleep until way later than the normal person. Even at night when it's time for bed, I never really truly feel sleepy.

With my own experiences of believing I had no sleep when a sleep test proved that I did, I respectfully suggest that you didn't go all night without dozing off. You remember tossing and turning but that doesn't mean you didn't sleep. The mind can play all kinds of tricks on us but it's my experience that when people say that they didn't 'get a wink of sleep' - generally, they did.

If you don't feel sleepy before bed, maybe you haven't discharged enough energy throughout the day?

I'd be looking at your lifestyle and in fine detail..

Do you exercise? If so, when?

Do you get any fresh air?

Do you smoke or drink?

Do you drink coffee, soda drinks or eat chocolate and if you do, when is the last time of the day where you consume it? A lot of people only think about coffee with caffeine but caffeine is in lots of other drinks and food, and it's also in decaffeinated drinks!

What are you doing in those hours before you're trying to go to sleep? Are you using social media? Watching stimulating videos? Gaming?

The Benadryl is undoubtedly responsible for some of those sensations and I remember this from when my hayfever was bad and I had to take antihistamine medication.

Is you bedroom colder (or hotter) than about 19 degrees?

Do your curtains block the light?

Do you live in a noisy area?

All these things have a direct effect on sleep..

Some people struggle to go off to sleep whereas others go to sleep quite quickly, then keep waking up (that's me)

It's not easy for me because I get anxiety real easy when it comes to health related issues.

It's not easy for anybody who has anxiety. It hasn't been easy for me either..

Re your health anxiety.. what are you doing to address that?

25-07-21, 04:22
I’ve struggled with insomnia from time to time. It sucks!!!

The thing that helped me most was going to a sleep therapist. I had no idea there was such a thing. My cpap doctor told me about her. She was awesome and helped me a lot.

I still have bad nights from time to time, but it doesn’t happen often. You might want to see if you have a sleep therapist in your area. Mine provided help specific to my needs and issues. Again, she was awesome. 👍

25-07-21, 19:42
So the last few nights have been a mixed bag but it did show me something. Friday night, I was asleep for two different periods of time that night and I knew I was sleeping based on things like how I felt, strong urge to use bathroom, and lifting head off bed like I had been dozing off. Last night? Not so great but it was mostly because my stomach decided it was going to be upset and that left me making trips to the bathroom.

I don't really know how much I slept last night, if at all, but anywhere after 5 am is where I'll say I slept. I don't remember much past that time. I just remember it being 9:30 and maybe being in/out of sleep between 5:30 and 9:30. I haven't felt sleepy today but then again, I've had a decent amount of caffeine this morning (just felt like drinking some soda). So it's hard to say if the caffeine could really mask how I SHOULD REALLY be feeling right now. I was not sleepy upon being aware of seeing the time in the morning so I got up.

I guess I'm learning to just not worry about it. It's all in my head about the not sleeping at all thing. And even if i'm not sleeping a ton during the night, so what? Normal for me is 6 hours anyways. My body will let me know when it's time to sleep. Hopefully I'm right on that? I mean, I was always told you'll sleep when you really need to. I'm not trying to stay awake or anything so I can't imagine my body wouldn't want to sleep when I'm in bed at night.

26-07-21, 03:41
With my own experiences of believing I had no sleep when a sleep test proved that I did, I respectfully suggest that you didn't go all night without dozing off. You remember tossing and turning but that doesn't mean you didn't sleep. The mind can play all kinds of tricks on us but it's my experience that when people say that they didn't 'get a wink of sleep' - generally, they did.

If you don't feel sleepy before bed, maybe you haven't discharged enough energy throughout the day?

I'd be looking at your lifestyle and in fine detail..

Do you exercise? If so, when?

Do you get any fresh air?

Do you smoke or drink?

Do you drink coffee, soda drinks or eat chocolate and if you do, when is the last time of the day where you consume it? A lot of people only think about coffee with caffeine but caffeine is in lots of other drinks and food, and it's also in decaffeinated drinks!

What are you doing in those hours before you're trying to go to sleep? Are you using social media? Watching stimulating videos? Gaming?

The Benadryl is undoubtedly responsible for some of those sensations and I remember this from when my hayfever was bad and I had to take antihistamine medication.

Is you bedroom colder (or hotter) than about 19 degrees?

Do your curtains block the light?

Do you live in a noisy area?

All these things have a direct effect on sleep..

Some people struggle to go off to sleep whereas others go to sleep quite quickly, then keep waking up (that's me)

It's not easy for anybody who has anxiety. It hasn't been easy for me either..

Re your health anxiety.. what are you doing to address that?

I pretty much exercise before bed in a way on work nights because I work a physical job and come home around after midnight. Normally, I would wind down and go to bed. This had always worked for me but when insomnia strikes, it doesn't. I used to be on my laptop or watch tv, drink a soda and be fine. It'd never be a problem for me. It's just strange that it's a problem at random.

As for your questions, none of those things are a reason. I do have curtains to block light. I don't smoke/drink. I cut out caffeine by 2 pm, etc. I

I slept better Friday night doing nothing different than any night this week and I KNEW I slept. This was despite coming home late but still got to sleep in just over an hour. Last night was different. I struggled for at least 5 hours. There was one point where I might have been out because an hour and a half passed and I had eye gunk in my eyes when getting up in middle of night. Wasn't there before I went to bed.

I had stomach cramps at the worst time and so after relieving that to restroom after 5 am, I don't recall much until getting up out of bed around 9 am. I PROBABLY was in/out of sleep during that time but i'm uncertain. All I have to go on is feeling fine during day. Though I decided to enjoy trying new sodas today so had a couple more sodas in morning than I normally would. I did not drink them because I needed them however.

I'm going to assume the same routine of Benedryls before bed and if i'm somehow still up around 4-5 am, I'll take zzzquil to knock me out. That usually works most nights for me. As for my anxiety, it's been less of an issue as of late because of the good night that I had Friday. I think that if I can know I am sleeping, that goes a long way in reassuring that I can and will get sleep at night. After all, my biggest worry is going multiple days without sleep and perhaps things like caffeine, eating meals, etc keep me awake during day so I don't know how tired I should really be. (idk how that works. I'm assuming if someone was that sleep deprived, they'd be tired no matter what?)

26-07-21, 07:18
I pretty much exercise before bed in a way on work nights because I work a physical job and come home around after midnight. Normally, I would wind down and go to bed. This had always worked for me but when insomnia strikes, it doesn't. I used to be on my laptop or watch tv, drink a soda and be fine. It'd never be a problem for me. It's just strange that it's a problem at random.

Two MASSIVE problems right here!

Exercising before bed - especially cardiovascular - will energise you (releasing adrenalin) and that's the last thing you need to be doing before sleep. Some light stretching would be a better choice..

When I was younger, I got away with lots of bad habits before bed but the body will let you know what it needs and right now it doesn't need these things because you're 'too wired'.

Exercise, soda (with or without caffeine - has sugar or other chemicals in it) and of course there's the melatonin disruptive blue lights from the TV and computer screen, and you'll no doubt be checking your phone too? If you do these things without an issue - fine - but you say you're struggling to sleep?

As for your questions, none of those things are a reason. I do have curtains to block light. I don't smoke/drink. I cut out caffeine by 2 pm, etc.

Is that ALL caffeine? What's in that soda you drink at night? Doesn't just have to be cola to contain caffeine. Do you eat chocolate? Lots of stimulants in these, plus sugar in itself is a stimulant..

A better option at night would be a turkey sandwich and a milky drink as both contain Tryptophan - an amino acid which stimulates melatonin and serotonin production.

Your body is a machine Seaster. Put the right fuel in and it works like a dream. (pardon the pun)

[QUOUTE] I struggled for at least 5 hours. There was one point where I might have been out because an hour and a half passed and I had eye gunk in my eyes when getting up in middle of night. Wasn't there before I went to bed.[/QUOTE]

I had a bad night last night. And the night before that, and the night before that. I know there has to be a reason and I've traced it to me lapsing with gluten..:whistles:

[/QUOTE]I had stomach cramps at the worst time and so after relieving that to restroom after 5 am, I don't recall much until getting up out of bed around 9 am. I PROBABLY was in/out of sleep during that time but i'm uncertain.[/QUOTE]

If you were to record yourself, you'd be surprised. People tend to exaggerate about not sleeping and I've done this myself - and because it feels like I haven't slept, and then I did a sleep test lol

I'm going to assume the same routine of Benedryls before bed and if i'm somehow still up around 4-5 am, I'll take zzzquil to knock me out. That usually works most nights for me.

You need to be less reliant on the Benadryl as people can become dependant on it - albeit psychologically. You need to allow your brain to do what it's meant to do or it gets lazy..

Also, if you've been talking it long enough, and stop, that in itself can cause insomnia..

After all, my biggest worry is going multiple days without sleep and perhaps things like caffeine, eating meals, etc keep me awake during day so I don't know how tired I should really be. (idk how that works. I'm assuming if someone was that sleep deprived, they'd be tired no matter what?)

I think that you will see a big improvements in your sleep if you make some adjustments here and there. Be mindful of what you do in the hours before sleep. Lose the Benadryl unless you have to take it for allergies, and accept that you are sleeping. That's obvious to me. But I would say that you're not getting as much restful sleep that you should be, and that's where those tweaks will come in, right?

If you've been Googling and seen the fatal sleep disorder - forget it. That's so incredibly rare that the prevalence isn't even known!

The other way you can possibly die isn't from insomnia itself but from being too tired to drive - as in accidents. In which case, people don't die from insomnia; they die from an error of judgement by driving when they shouldn't have, you get me?

From what I can see, your biggest issue here (aside some unhelpful things you're doing leading up to sleep) is the irrational thought that you will not be able to sleep at all, and you'll die?

Not going to happen.

What I can see is that you are clearly sleeping more than you think and that your body isn't even showing significant signs of sleep deprivation. Every parent will tell you what sleep deprivation feels like and that's why you see new parents wandering around looking like zombies, and they don't die do they?

27-07-21, 02:29
So, I slept better last night but I want to say something in regards to the working thing. I work till midnight and my work is a physical job. So when I come home, I can be worked up but what's the solution there? I guess I could choose to stay up for a bit to wind down but that's just cutting down the amount of time I have to sleep at night. There are things during the day that could wake me if I am trying to sleep in to account for more sleep.

And I USED TO drink soda, etc before bedtime. I don't do that anymore. I don't watch TV before bed, I use night mode on my laptop and phone if I truly must use them in the hours before bed. Night mode eliminates the blue light.

I did sleep better last night and even fell asleep fairly early on in the night. I was out for a good 4 hours, woke up to pee, then proceeded to sleep at least 3 more hours.

The problem was the night before last night (Saturday night.) I got home from work shortly after midnight and like I said, my job is a physical job and I walk A LOT. I chose to come home, shower, go to bed. My only other option would be to stay up a bit and then go to bed but it's already late as it is. So this presents an issue for me on how to approach it. I felt winded/tired from work to the point where I felt it was keeping me from sleeping I feel. I obviously need time to wind down but I mean we could be talking 1-2 hours later. Going to bed at like 1:30 am or 2 am could work but if I don't fall asleep in a timely manner, it could be tough to sleep in because I have to be up to do things during the day.

27-07-21, 07:46
So, I slept better last night but I want to say something in regards to the working thing. I work till midnight and my work is a physical job. So when I come home, I can be worked up but what's the solution there? I guess I could choose to stay up for a bit to wind down but that's just cutting down the amount of time I have to sleep at night. There are things during the day that could wake me if I am trying to sleep in to account for more sleep.

I worked noons. It was a very physical job - a full on cardiovascular workout - until 11pm most nights. So the adrenalin was still pumping round my system when I got in. It took me a few hours to wind down but you're getting in and exercising? What do you expect will happen? :shrug:

My advice? Get in. Have a light snack (something with Tryptophan in it) dim the lights and read for a while or watch some TV where you can turn your brain off. No horror. No news. No drama. I do watch TV sometimes at night because it helps me, but I wear my 'special' green glasses which block the blue light from my eyes. But I never watch anything that gets the heart rate up, you get me?

And I USED TO drink soda, etc before bedtime. I don't do that anymore. I don't watch TV before bed, I use night mode on my laptop and phone if I truly must use them in the hours before bed. Night mode eliminates the blue light.

Apologies if I read that wrong. I'm still waking up at this time in the morning..

Caffeine has a half life of 6 hours, so if you have a drink of soda (containing caffeine) or one of those energy drinks like loads of us used to drink on noons - at about 8pm - then your body will be trying to metabolise it at 2am. My husband has developed issues around sleep and he's had to cut down on his caffeine and make sure he has his last drink no later than 4pm, or it affects his sleep. Don't just be looking at what you're doing when you get in from work. You have to go back further than that.

I did sleep better last night and even fell asleep fairly early on in the night. I was out for a good 4 hours, woke up to pee, then proceeded to sleep at least 3 more hours.

There you go. Normal sleep pattern!

The problem was the night before last night (Saturday night.) I got home from work shortly after midnight and like I said, my job is a physical job and I walk A LOT. I chose to come home, shower, go to bed. My only other option would be to stay up a bit and then go to bed but it's already late as it is. So this presents an issue for me on how to approach it.

Your body needs to feel sleepy for you to to be be able to go to sleep. It needs to be in parasympathetic mode (rest and digest) If you feel 'wired' or energised then sleep won't happen. That means your body is in sympathetic mode in other words fight or flight - and people generally don't snooze off when they're about to be mullered by an axe murderer? It's simple really..

If you're prepared to put the effort on after a shift at work then you could try doing some yoga or light stretching (nothing cardio) and some deep breathing exercises? ASMR videos can be helpful or if you want to completely emit blue lights - try classical music or sleep sounds on the radio and use a timer.

It doesn't matter if it takes you a couple of hours to wind down. You'll know when your body is ready to sleep. Better to wind down and get some quality sleep than to sit there worrying about not being asleep when you think you should be. That's just asking for sleep issues!

I felt winded/tired from work to the point where I felt it was keeping me from sleeping I feel. I obviously need time to wind down but I mean we could be talking 1-2 hours later. Going to bed at like 1:30 am or 2 am could work but if I don't fall asleep in a timely manner, it could be tough to sleep in because I have to be up to do things during the day.

Yet I keep reading from you that your alertness is fine? So why is this a problem? The only real concern from you - that I can see - is that you have the irrational thought that you won't be able to sleep and will die? And that's just not going to happen..

Also, maybe change the shower to a bath? Showers are great to wake us up in the mornings but not so good at night? A warm bath might be the better option for you?

You're doing a lot of things which are designed to 'wake us up' at the time when your body needs to be winding down. As I said, a few tweaks and you will see a big difference...

31-07-21, 02:38
I went through sleepless nights back in April, with even a bout of what is called "psychomotor agitation" where I was basically awake the entire night pacing back and forth.
It took lots of practice to calm myself down throughout the day to get to a point where I could actually fall asleep at night.

So this video is a 10 minute meditation that I used multiple times a day, and eventually after using it for days on end -- sleep started showing up for me.

Here's the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZToicYcHIOU

I had to understand that I was tense and anxious throughout the course of the day, and this was leading to sleepless nights for me.
Nowadays I put it on before I go to sleep and it helps. Hopefully it can be of some use for you.

31-07-21, 07:01
How's it going Seaster?

Sleeping any better?

I'm currently reading about 'grounding'. Basically get ya shoes and socks off and connect to the earth. Apparently this can improve sleep? So I've just been barefoot in the yard picking up my lurcher's crap. :yesyes:

01-08-21, 19:39
I’ve slept better pretty much all week aside from last night. I just had trouble falling asleep due to itchy like feelings and I had a heavy meal few hours prior to bed. I’m not concerned about it because I know the meal is what kept me up mostly. It’s crazy to me that I hadn’t really made any drastic changes but my sleep improved.

I think my mentality is likely the culprit and I had been obsessing over it. I feel more confident now and even if I have a bad night like last night, it’ll be ok. Mostly, I need to post this update because in previous bouts, I never took a note of how my sleep improved and so I had nothing to look back on for hope.

I will say that a good night of sleep is different than others but for me, I’m good if I get 6. Heck, that’s the normal for me. One other thing I discovered is my eye circles never go away despite the improved sleep. I’m thinking allergies for sure on that front. I also continue to take Benedryl and it still does work for me despite the prolonged use. I was gonna stop using it but I saw that it helped me sleep all week so I think it’s okay to use. Plus it helps with allergies.

02-08-21, 08:47
I’ve slept better pretty much all week aside from last night. I just had trouble falling asleep due to itchy like feelings and I had a heavy meal few hours prior to bed. I’m not concerned about it because I know the meal is what kept me up mostly. It’s crazy to me that I hadn’t really made any drastic changes but my sleep improved.

I think my mentality is likely the culprit and I had been obsessing over it. I feel more confident now and even if I have a bad night like last night, it’ll be ok. Mostly, I need to post this update because in previous bouts, I never took a note of how my sleep improved and so I had nothing to look back on for hope.

You've basically answered yourself. There has been a drastic change; your thoughts!

You've stopped obsessing and you've slept better. Simples!

02-08-21, 16:27
Yeah, it's been better but the last few nights have been frustrating. Although, the last few nights are mainly from certain circumstances keeping me up at night.

Saturday night? I had a heavy dinner a few hours before bed. Plus, I had the urge to rub my stomach because it felt nice I guess? It was weird. I did sleep that night but it didn't happen till after 4 am.

Sunday night? I had a random case of frequent urination that kept me from sleeping because it was so frequent. It's something that randomly happens to me some nights and then on others, it's non existent. It's not even a problem during the day at all. I don't really know when I fell asleep or how much I really got. I don't really feel too energized today and I'm really bummed out that I didn't get enough sleep to feel good to enjoy my off day from work. Plus, my dog gets all scared when it storms and so when it stormed this morning, I couldn't sleep in because of that. Sucks. I tried to sleep in but it was no use. I was up for the day my body said.

Am I worried about it like I was before? No but it's frustrating after having almost a whole week of good sleep. Hopefully the frequent urination won't happen again. It's really weird. It doesn't happen when it becomes night time. It happens like 10 minutes after taking the Benedryls. idk if it's a side effect from that but it's so strange that the urination thing is random. Some nights I'll get it, most others I won't. When it does happen, it'll keep me from sleeping. It goes away after a while but ugh.

03-08-21, 09:07
Saturday night? I had a heavy dinner a few hours before bed. Plus, I had the urge to rub my stomach because it felt nice I guess? It was weird. I did sleep that night but it didn't happen till after 4 am.

Sunday night? I had a random case of frequent urination that kept me from sleeping because it was so frequent.

Generally fight or flight (anxiety) or simulants..

Plus, my dog gets all scared when it storms and so when it stormed this morning, I couldn't sleep in because of that. Sucks.

I'm a human barometer when it comes to storms. Many people are. It could be that you're sensitive to the electromagnetic energy? I get migraines etc

Am I worried about it like I was before? No but it's frustrating after having almost a whole week of good sleep.

Focus on is the fact that you've had a WEEK of good sleep!

It happens like 10 minutes after taking the Benedryls. idk if it's a side effect from that but it's so strange that the urination thing is random.

People who have known urinary issues are supposed to consult their GP before taking this stuff so I'd imagine that it affects/stimulates the bladder in some way?

Why are you using the Benadryl still?

If this urinary issue is non-existent during the day and sporadic during the night - I'd say this is anxiety or if it only happens when you take the Benadryl - and within 10 mins as you say - then it's obviously that, so if you want this problem to go away - stop taking the Benadryl.

03-08-21, 17:19
I took Benedryl all last week and it was part of why I had the good weeks sleep. I did not have any frequent urination last week until the past few nights. Unfortunately, I'm back to sleeping poorly but I don't want to go back to harping on if I slept or how much. I will say that the frequent urination kept me up last night again and any sleep I did get happened around after 3 am.

I had a heavy feeling come over my body and I guess I was out till around 5:30 or so. I then had a sleep/wake cycle up till 7:30. I tried to sleep more but it just wasn't happening so I got up. The weird part of laying there was I still had the cold heavy feeling. It just made me feel like maybe I didn't sleep or something because I never felt that before.

As for the Benedryl, I'm not sure if it's what is causing the frequent urination. Because I took it last week too and didn't have that symptom. Also, I had taken other medicines and sometimes had the urination too.

I have been taking 3 Benedryl pills the past few nights so maybe going to a normal dose of 2 would be better. I don't want to start getting anxiety about sleeping at night again but I fear it's starting again, due to the frequent urination thing. I might have slept a lot better if I wasn't having to constantly pee for 2-3 hours on end. All I have to go on is after 3 am, things went blank and it was like 5:30 am. Legs feel kinda weak or achy but not sure that's a indicator of bad sleep or not. Sighs...

04-08-21, 04:43
Update: I mostly felt fine today (Tuesday) but around 6 pm, a throbbing like headache came on subtly. It eases up at times but is pretty bad other times. I will be taking Aleve PMs tonight for the headache and to help with sleep. I’m close to being off work. I plan to get home, eat a small meal, and take the Aleve PM.

I’m kind of scared because I’m forced to go to bed later because of work. If the frequent urination happens again tonight, I might not sleep due to not having a ton of time to get in sleep. I have from 1 am to 7:30 am to get sleep. If not, daylight is there and the dog might prevent me from sleeping in. Sighs…

04-08-21, 07:43
I have been taking 3 Benedryl pills the past few nights so maybe going to a normal dose of 2 would be better.

Why are you taking more medication than is stated? That's a seriously bad idea Seaster!

How often do you take the Naproxen? (Aleve) as this drug is known to cause anxiety and a symptom of anxiety is increased urination.

04-08-21, 12:09
I've tried this method for two weeks now and its effective on me, turn down the clocks. Don't check the time every time you wake up because it will make you anxious.

04-08-21, 16:48
Why are you taking more medication than is stated? That's a seriously bad idea Seaster!

How often do you take the Naproxen? (Aleve) as this drug is known to cause anxiety and a symptom of anxiety is increased urination.

I was just trying something. I won't be doing that anymore. Also, I didn't have Aleve so I took Advil PM. I don't think it really helped me all that much but it did take care of the headache I had which was bothering me.

I really did not sleep at all last night it seems like when I think about possible times I could have been sleeping. I was up for the first few hours at least. But after 3 am till around 5:38 is blank. I guess I did sleep there but I was rubbing/scratching my leg in my shorts. Made me wonder if I was awake doing that or if I was sleeping but caught myself doing it waking up. Odd since I didn't take Benedryl this time.

I decided to try to sleep in because I was really scared I did not sleep at all. I don't know really how much I slept but maybe got an hour or two from that. Last night sucked overall. I really feel like I'm going to die if this continues. I was doing so good last week and now I'm not.

The frequent urination really wasn't an issue last night and that's what caused my insomnia to return because it kept me up. I'm sorry for being annoying. I just wish these medicines helped me sleep when I need them. I've tried without anything but nothing happens. I need that extra nudge to fall asleep and even then it's like my body fights it. It makes no sense.

One question I would like to know an answer to. Maybe it'd give me some optimism. Say I did not sleep at all on a given night. Would caffeine/eating foods during the day offset the need to sleep? Or would I still feel like sleeping during the day? My fear is that sometimes I might not be sleeping during the night but drinking some caffeine during day and eating meals like normal is hiding/masking how I should be feeling after a sleepless night.

04-08-21, 17:22
I find for myself when I'm going through a bad patch sleep wise I need to completely cut out coffee. Eat and drink other stuff as much as normal, but no caffeine. I even cut out decaf because it has a small amount of caffeine in.

It's easy for me to say but try not to worry, do all the things Nora has suggested previously and you should get back on track.

Have you spoken to your GP about this at all? I'm currently taking promethazine (phenegran) 25 mg which I get on prescription, but it is available over the counter. It is an antihistamine with a sedative effect. This was prescribed by the local MH team and initially I took it through the day as well, but now I seem to be fine just taking at night (fingers crossed). Twice in the last week I've managed to sleep for 7 hours in a row (a miracle) but usually I sleep for maybe 5 hours, then I'm up for an hour, and maybe then get an extra 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Not fabulous but enough. I did also get prescribed propanolol for at night as well, and took that for a couple of weeks as well as the promethazine, but I've stopped taking that now.

Go back to scratch and start with basics again, you had a good week last week and it will happen again.

05-08-21, 03:19
I’m doing everything I can. The thing that got me back on the insomnia loop was the frequent urination.

Last night, it wasn’t much of an issue but I still struggled to sleep for a while. The only thing I recall was it being like 2 am or something and then I remember getting up to go to bathroom and I freaked out because it was 5:38 am and I felt like I hadn’t been sleeping. Instead, I was scratching/rubbing my thighs. Had my hand up my shorts doing that. Was I doing that while awake or was I asleep and doing that? Is that even possible?

Aside from that, I really have had trouble getting back to sleep if I do get any at all. And I always have eye flakes in the corners of my eyes when getting up. I think I did sleep in some this morning but it might not have been for much.

I really don’t feel like I’m doing well. Im functioning ok during the day and not falling over, etc but it’s tough when I’m not sure if I’m sleeping at all.

05-08-21, 07:24
I was just trying something. I won't be doing that anymore. Also, I didn't have Aleve so I took Advil PM. I don't think it really helped me all that much but it did take care of the headache I had which was bothering me.

There are no known interactions with the drugs you've mentioned and Benadryl but I strongly suggest you check before trying any other drugs? The responsibility for checking interactions between your OTC meds is yours.

I really did not sleep at all last night it seems like when I think about possible times I could have been sleeping. I was up for the first few hours at least. But after 3 am till around 5:38 is blank.

Why do you keep telling yourself you didn't sleep when you clearly have?

I really feel like I'm going to die if this continues. I was doing so good last week and now I'm not.

Firstly, we don't know how long a human can go without sleep before dying but we do know that EXTREME symptoms will kick in after 36 hours WITHOUT ANY sleep. You're clearly sleeping and you're clearly functioning so I would hazard a guess that you're either sleeping a lot more than you think/say or that you are just one of those people who can function normally on less sleep. Your sentences are perfectly coherent. You wouldn't be able to do this if you were seriously sleep deprived!

If these kind of thoughts are what YOU are CHOOSING to put into your brain during the day and before you try and sleep, do you honestly think that you are going to get a sweet night's sleep? Come on!

One question I would like to know an answer to. Maybe it'd give me some optimism. Say I did not sleep at all on a given night.

From what I can see, this has yet to happen. It hasn't happened so this is you imagining that it will - and without any rational evidence for it.

Would caffeine/eating foods during the day offset the need to sleep? Or would I still feel like sleeping during the day? My fear is that sometimes I might not be sleeping during the night but drinking some caffeine during day and eating meals like normal is hiding/masking how I should be feeling after a sleepless night.

If you try and drink lots of coffee to offset how tired you are (even though many of your posts have said that you are feeling OK) then you would feel tired, yes.

The science bit

Adenosine is a chemical that your brain releases to help you sleep. This increases while you are awake. This chemical binds itself to receptors in your brain and it slows down brain activity, thus making you feel sleepy. Caffeine BLOCKS these receptors but does not stop production so the moment the caffeine wears off - you will feel sleepy so you will drink some coffee and the cycle starts again. I've literally just gone through this with my husband,so drinking coffee is not the answer!

Seaster, you keep going over the same things and nothing I (or anybody else) says has made any difference. I'm wasting my time aren't I?

There's really nothing more that I can say here that I haven't already said so I'm going to leave you to it..

All the best.

05-08-21, 17:04
You have made a difference because that's part of why I was able to get good sleep last week. It's just frustrating that I'm taking all these measures to sleep well at night but i'm back to struggling for sleep again. The frequent urination wasn't present at all last night despite taking Benedryl again and yet, sleep just wouldn't come. I thought about pleasant things and felt reassured things would go well because not having to use restroom often means I can get sleep.

And yes, I do feel okay aside from my eyes feeling a bit weird but it just bothers me how I did the same exact routine I did last week and slept well. But for this week, that same routine isn't helping me. It took me till after 6 am to get any sleep at all and it truthfully wasn't much more than 2 hours.

I'm just miserable because I know i'm not sleeping well but sadly, I'm the only one that can change it. I'm pretty much in this battle on my own. I do appreciate the help, it's more than I would have expected from anyone given how obsessed I am with getting good sleep at night.

05-08-21, 19:53
Rather than being obsessed about how long you sleep why not take the approach that no one ever died from insomnia and so what if you are going through a period of disturbed sleep due to your anxiety about getting it "right"?

03-02-22, 17:11
Sleep problems aren't new to me and even have posted about it in the past. I don't know if my current experience is any worst than prior ones but it's pretty bad. I only slept 3 hours Tuesday night, and last night, well, not even that I would say. I even went to bed around 10:30 pm. I had plenty of time for sleep but it just wouldn't come despite me really needing it.

I'm very scared and concerned that I will die because I'm not sleeping at all basically. I'm not even feeling sleepy and that's concerning because I really should be since I know I'm not getting enough sleep.

Idk what's gonna happen next. Am I eventually going to sleep? I really, really want that to be true. I know my past sleep problems ended with that being the case. But right now, it feels hopeless. What's more frustrating is that I am following the same routine that I do for when I was sleeping well. I last slept well on Sunday night, slept great actually. My insomnia just pops up from out of nowhere.

I'm basically up for the day now as it's noon where I am. I can't be in bed all day trying to sleep as if i'm not able to sleep at that point, might as well just be up for the day. I MIGHT have gotten a little bit of sleep as I did have those "eye boogers/sleepies" in my eyes this morning and there were some moments last night where it kinda felt I dozed off for a bit. But mostly, I was up for a majority of the night.

It's like my body won't let me sleep and Idk what to do. I don't have any underlying health problems that would be contributing to this either. I WAS up all night one night due to a bad stomach cramp and I actually had to take naps because I was that tired. I can't take naps today because like I said, I tried laying in bed late into the morning and nothing was happening for me.

Someone please tell me it'll be okay. I'm able to write this despite my bad night but I still worry my body is gonna give out, and not in the "fall asleep" kind of way.

03-02-22, 17:19
Why don't you go back and read the old thread? There were lots of tips in there. You got through it last time and you can do it again.

03-02-22, 17:22
Yeah, I plan on doing that. This time just seems worse is all. I feel kind weak but not sure if it's the sleep medicine I took 6 hours ago. I'm just scared if i'll even make it through the day ok or not. I had to call out of work for this and that's not something i did last night.

But yeah, I'd like to think I'll overcome it again.

03-02-22, 18:51

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

03-02-22, 18:58
One thing different this time around is that I feel kinda weak/unsteady in the legs. Some light headedness kind of feeling. I can still focus and am aware of things. I took 2 cups of Zzzquill last night, each cup at different times because I was desperate for sleep. First time I took one was 3 am, then at 6 am. I suppose that could be why I feel this way? I'm not used to feeling like this. It's not something I really experience when I felt like this last time.

It makes me more scared than ever because it's like my body won't allow me to sleep and wants me to suffer and possibly have something bad happen as a result. Like, how will I feel tomorrow morning if I go another night with no sleep? I'm convinced I wasn't sleeping last night because I remember laying there as time passed by and the sun came up. If I slept any at all, it wasn't much.

I'm not trying to bother anyone or prolong this thread/topic for any entertainment/selfish reason. I just feel scared and alone. I want to know that I'll be okay. I can't say this is the worst insomnia episode I've had because I've had some bad ones but this one feels bad. I just could not sleep at all last night and I had only slept 3 hours the night before. If I need sleep, why couldn't I sleep? Makes me scared that I won't get sleep anymore.

Update: So far, I've not experienced any signs of sleepiness of where I feel I need to lay down and sleep. No nodding off either. I just have some weak legs but they seem a bit better after eating for first time today. Plus, the sleep medicine is likely still in my system and working it's way out. I'm hopeful that because my symptoms don't really indicate I didn't sleep at all, that it means I slept enough to be functional?

04-02-22, 16:04
Last night was bad or so it seems. I went to bed around 10:30 pm. I had to keep getting up to pee a lot because I guess I drank too much water before bed. It felt like I was getting up every hour to pee.I had a strong urge to pee each time. I was drooling sometimes so maybe I had been sleeping at some points during this sleep/wake cycle.

I'm really scared I did not sleep at all because I know the previous night was very similar. I feel ok outside of my eyes burning a little and my arms feel funny. Idk how to feel. I guess I just go on my day but I'm worried I won't ever sleep again. Yesterday, I never even felt sleepy during the day despite thinking I didn't sleep at all. So far, I don't feel sleepy today either but I just got out of bed for the day.

How would I even be feeling if I truly did go 2 nights without sleep? Surely, I would have gotten sleep by now or feel a lot worse? I almost want to go to the ER but I know they'll be mad at me for something like this.

04-02-22, 18:08
Rescue sleep works well for me.
Worth a try.

QUOTE=Seaster;2013816]I've posted about past bouts of insomnia years ago so this is not a new issue. However, this is the worst it's been for me and i'm generally scared. I want to post what's going on in hopes I can get feedback/help.

So, the past few nights I'll go to bed around 11 pm. I take something like Benedryl or Motrin PM to try to help with sleep. Benedryls usually help me but last night, I'm not so sure. My phone is on night mode at night so it doesn't affect my eyes with blue light. I will occasionally note the time at night if I'm getting out of bed to use the restroom. What I remember is sort of feeling like maybe I was dozing off but not much time going by. For example, I went to bed around 11:45 pm last night and while my memory is a bit foggy, I remember it being 2:22 am and perhaps I slept a little bit there prior to that. Then I went back to bed and I think I remember it being 3 something but not sure if that was previous night or last night. I remember taking something around 4:00 am and then again at 5:20 am because I still wasn't knocked out yet.

I have my curtains down to dampen any sunlight when it gets to be time for sun to get up and I recognized I was still up as it was getting brighter. I knew it was the 6 am hour. I don't remember much aside from trying to be calm and telling myself I'll eventually sleep when I need to. I guess I did pass out but I don't know when it was. I only recall getting up to see it was 8:17 am. It kind of felt like I was sleeping because of how i lifted myself up and opened my eyes. I proceeded to go back to bed and then it was 9:27 am.

I do not know if I slept at all though because I have nothing to go on. I feel fine and alert today but had some redness in my eyes. I did consume a bit of caffeine but would that even be able to cover up the effects of a night of no sleep? That's what I'm mostly worried about. I don't know if I slept last night at all. I know being fixated on the times during the night is bad but it doesn't affect my mindset at night when trying to sleep. I only look to measure if I was sleeping or not.
The past several nights have been like this with like no sleep until 6 or 7 am. It's frustrating to go the whole night and sleep just doesn't come. I don't use electronics before bed, no caffeine 12 hours out, I take stuff to help me sleep, and I'm relatively calm going to bed. I thought about stuff I look forward to and relaxing stuff. Sleep just never came. (unless I did sleep from some of the gaps in time I mentioned earlier but I can't say for sure.)

Not sure what to do. I'm worried I'll go sleepless for days to the point where I'll die. Is that even a possibility or will I sleep eventually? I need to know for peace of mind. Like, I've heard stories of people dying from forcing themselves up for 11 days but I'm actually trying to sleep so I can't imagine that'd happen to me. But despite these nights, I've felt fine during the day and able to work my job without ever feeling exhausted. Well, I do get tired from my job but nothing out of ordinary I would say. Able to drive home at night too. All on just 110 mg of caffeine; 2 cans of soda for whole day. I would imaging the caffeine intake is small enough to where if I was sleep deprived, it would show itself?

It usually takes me a while to fall asleep on a normal night but only an hour or so. And my normal for sleep is 6 hours. If I get that, I'm golden all day. But I know I haven't been getting that and it's only adding to my anxiety when it comes to how I'll sleep each night. I did get out of bed with "sleep/eye gunk" in my eyes so perhaps that's a sign I did sleep a little? The small amount of sleep is concerning and makes me wonder if I'll make it through this. Yes, I feel fine during the day and even after 10+ hours of no caffeine, I don't feel any different or sleepy. Idk what that means but I know I'm not getting much sleep so it's strange.[/QUOTE]

10-04-22, 22:30
Struggling again with sleep. This time, it seems worse as I have a frequent urination issue at night that's keeping me up for hours on end. I'm getting that issue worked out but have to wait for a Cystoscopy procedure, which isn't until May 31st.

I went to bed around 11 pm last night. I was doing okay as far as being comfortable in bed. But I was still awake at 12:30 am, and that's when the frequent urination started. I remember it lasting at least till 2 am or so, then things went blank till 3:15ish. At that point, I took a sleep aid to hopefully get me to sleep. I remember laying back down for a good bit and then it was like 4:50 or so. I went back to bed and it was then 6:41 am. It SEEMS that I slept but I am not sure.

How I feel during the day has me concerned. For one, I have a slight pressure around my head. And when I suddenly get up from being seated, I feel a rush come over me that makes me seem woozy. Is this something that's sleep related? I am worried I did not sleep at all because of this. Plus, my eyes feel slightly irritated.

It could be the weather but I am concerned that I am not sleeping at all. Not a single bit. Surely, I must be sleeping some based on what I described my night as being? There were some times where I felt like I was sleeping for a little bit but the reality is, I am unsure. And I also felt this way yesterday too. Same symptoms really during day.

What's going on here? I have never had pressure in my head like this in times past when I had sleeping issues. It's very odd.

12-04-22, 16:00
I know most people will just forgo my worries as nothing to look at but I'm still concerned. I think I slept better last night but how I feel doesn't necessarily reflect that. My eyes feel kind of crappy and had that "dry eye" kind of feeling in them upon getting up.

As for how I slept, well I went to bed around 11:15 pm. As usual, I was up for a little while but think I was last up around the 1 am hour, then 3:35 was next time I remember. And after that, I believe it was 5 am, then 6:53. I had thought to get up then but I changed my mind and then it was 8:30 am.

Each of these "wake up" times I definitely felt like I was snoozing. You know the feeling of how you pick yourself off the bed when you come to? That's kind of what I felt during those times.

I'm just worried the crappy eye feeling means I did not sleep at all and that i'm just gonna end up in real bad shape with no sleep.

13-04-22, 01:52
It just seems like nobody even cares. Everyone continues to feed this narrative that I'm actually sleeping but I know that's not true. I am NOT sleeping because how else would I have head pressure, rough feeling eyes, and my arms feel like they are anchors weighing me down?

I'm convinced I'm not sleeping because of how I feel during the day. I'm never sleepy nor do I ever get sleepy so I would never even know if I truly needed sleep anyways. Nodding off? It'd never happen to me if I pulled an all nighter. In fact, the one time I did, I felt fine but took a nap because I knew I hadn't slept any.

13-04-22, 07:28
I think I slept better last night

It just seems like nobody even cares. Everyone continues to feed this narrative that I'm actually sleeping but I know that's not true. I am NOT sleeping because how else would I have head pressure, rough feeling eyes, and my arms feel like they are anchors weighing me down

Seaster, you're confusing the crap out of me.. :huh:

13-04-22, 13:20
Seaster, I would keep reading Nora's very helpful post which took time and care to help you. I personally would have thanked her for such an informative post like that.
I agree with everything she has said and the only thing I can add is in your last post you state you went to bed at 10pm and got up at 10am. (12 hours) That's way too much time to be sleeping or trying to sleep and if you do this on a regular basis, it's obviously going to affect a normal sleeping pattern. You can feel more groggy with too much sleep than not enough. Reread Nora's post, you won't get better advice than that.

13-04-22, 16:21
There are blanks in your timings that prove you’re sleeping. One was 2. am and then ‘ blank’ until 3.15.
You are waking several times in the night as do I. If I have a patch of these nights I can feel I’ve had no sleep but my own ‘blanks’ prove that I have some…not enough…but some.

if you weren’t sleeping at all, literally not a wink for days, you would be seriously unwell, not just tired eyes, a thick head and achy limbs. That’s just symptoms of not enough sleep. No sleep at all, you would be way too ill and confused to be writing coherently on here.

13-04-22, 22:27
I agree with the previous statements. You're sleeping for sure. The dream state is a curious beast and while it may "seem" to feel as if you're not sleeping, you most certainly are. I've experienced similar as recent as last night. I awoke around 2am to pee. I went back to bed and it felt like I had not fallen asleep but upon opening my eyes and looking at the time, it was apparent I was asleep and dreaming. Your anxious mind is making mountains out of molehills here.


20-04-22, 17:21
Well, I WANT to believe I am sleeping but there are things that make me feel that I am not getting sleep. For example, my eyes. Lately, they've had a bit of burning feeling to them despite them not being bloodshot or anything.

I always follow a routine when sleeping and that's going to bed at 1 am. I was up till at least 2:30 but I guess I fell asleep because when I got up to go pee, it was 4:40 am. I don't even remember much after that other than going back to bed. I was only up at 6:30 am, and then at 9 am.

The lapses in time are a sign that I'm sleeping but it does not make sense why my eyes would burn a little since I slept. Allergies? Dry eyes? I had the feeling yesterday too but I had no problem working my day job. If it was from lack of sleep, I'd surely know from other signs and symptoms.

It just makes me nervous and drives up my anxiety on the premise of "I'm not sleeping" and that drives me to worry. Despite all my issues with sleep over the years, I've never had it bad enough to where I was struggling to stay awake but it does make me wonder if that would even happen to me. I was once up for 24 hours and did not feel that bad despite being up all night. (this was due to bad stomach pains that kept me up.)

20-04-22, 17:31
I would say it's allergies - depending on the day, mine are bothered quite a lot at this time of year.

20-04-22, 20:22
Well, it is spring time in Florida, USA so it gets pretty warm/humid this time of year too. I have had issues before allergies but unsure if my eye symptoms is from that or lack of sleep.

I mean, I don't remember being up all night last night and I know what that is like because unfortunately, I had to do that before. My anxiety just tends to go up if I convince myself the eyes feeling is from lack of sleep. I've tried eye drops and nothing works. I have antihistamines but only Benedryls. They are the ones that make you sleepy so I can't take them during the day.

All I know is that I'm not sleepy so I guess that's a positive. And I had this eye irritation all day yesterday and it never went away.

20-04-22, 20:27
I mean, you likely are tired and your eyes probably are as well - it sounds like you are getting only about five or six hours of sleep a night? You are sleeping, which is great as it means you can sleep, but anxiety is preventing you from sleeping which is why you feel tired and your eyes feel off. I can't recall, have you spoken with your doctor about your anxiety and how it is impacting your sleep? Do they have any recommendations?

20-04-22, 22:23
I mean, you likely are tired and your eyes probably are as well - it sounds like you are getting only about five or six hours of sleep a night? You are sleeping, which is great as it means you can sleep, but anxiety is preventing you from sleeping which is why you feel tired and your eyes feel off. I can't recall, have you spoken with your doctor about your anxiety and how it is impacting your sleep? Do they have any recommendations?

Well, 6 hours is actually normal amount of sleep for me. Everyone is different but 6 is definitely very good if I'm getting that. I have slept far worse, sometimes as low as 2 hours a night, and never have had my eyes feel like they are dry and burning.

I haven't seen any doctors about anxiety about my sleep but the main trigger is the frequent urination issue. That's still being worked out as to what is causing that. I haven't had any urinary issues in the last week at all so no reason for me to be having sleep troubles. I want to say I am sleeping enough at night because I've been able to function fine on my day off work today. YouTube videos, going for walk with my dog, etc? Everything seems fine except for how my eyes feel.

I'm a bit sore/achy but I work a very physical job and am coming off of a 2 week vacation so naturally, I have to get my body used to that again.

25-04-22, 17:15
I had been sleeping good the past several nights up until last night. My frequent urination symptom came back and it lasted pretty much most of the night. I just always had to go every 30 minutes or so. And this is without drinking much of anything in the evening.

I don't think I even slept last night because of it either. I was going to bathroom so much that I don't think there were much times where I could have been sleeping.

I am panicking about it because what if it happens again tonight? Am I just going to not sleep as long as the urination thing keeps happening? The need to sleep is strong but so is my frequent urination.

I am having a Cystoscopy procedure on May 31st to look inside my bladder to see what is going on with the frequent urination. But until then, not sure there's much hope for trying to sleep at night whenever the symptom happens. Best I can hope for is that it doesn't happen again for a while so I can catch up on sleep. I had gone over a week with no problems up until last night so it seems to only happen sporadically.

26-04-22, 07:01
I always follow a routine when sleeping and that's going to bed at 1 am. I was up till at least 2:30 but I guess I fell asleep because when I got up to go pee, it was 4:40 am. I don't even remember much after that other than going back to bed. I was only up at 6:30 am, and then at 9 am.

but it does not make sense why my eyes would burn a little since I slept. Allergies? Dry eyes?

You are CLEARLY sleeping.

Staying up until 2.30 am and doing what? Gaming? Using other types of screens? Your eyes will love that (not). This usually means eating & drinking too (which would explain needing to pee a couple of hours later) - waking up again at 6.30 and THEN GOING BACK TO SLEEP would make my eyes burn a lot, let alone a little. This is similar to the sleep pattern new parents experience and ask them what their eyes feel like!

03-05-22, 16:13
The biggest trigger to my insomnia lately is my frequent urination and it sucks because I know I'm not sleeping when I have to get up every 5-10 mins to pee. Last night was awful. I went to bed around 12 am, and up till 5:30 am, I remember constantly being up having to pee, pee, and pee some more. (every 5-10 mins). I did not even have much to drink before bed aside from a small amount of water.

After 5:30 am, I don't remember much so I think I slept on/off for a while late in the morning. At least, I am hoping I did salvage some sleep, even if it might not be enough. I only have this frequent urination problem on certain nights while the rest of the time, it goes back to normal. It's just really frustrating to deal with.

I am being seen for this problem as it pertains to my urination but sadly, my procedure to look inside the bladder isn't until May 31st. I might have more nights like last night and idk what to do. I don't know if there's any medicines out there I can buy that would help me. The cranberry tablets stuff I have tried and it doesn't seem to help me any.

03-05-22, 23:44
Imagination is a curious phenomenon.


04-05-22, 01:41
I don’t know what you mean. I’m definitely not imagining the frequent urination or being up till really late last night because of it. Idk how I can hope to sleep on nights that it happens.

All I can say is that usually the frequency stops during the night but it never really did last night. If I even got a few hours of sleep last night, I guess it’s better than nothing. My concern is if it happens again tonight. Idk if my body can take multiple bad nights like that.

04-05-22, 13:03
I don’t know what you mean.

What I mean is that this has been an ongoing issue with you for some time now. Just like some fixate on cancers or other illnesses, you fixate on sleep (and now urination). Your mind consciously or not is focusing on this and the added stress and worry ramps up the flight or fight response which IMO, is responsible for the more frequent urination. Based on the fact that you have periods of relative calm and sleep lends itself to a mental issue as opposed to a physical one. As suggested, getting a handle of this with real life professional help would be prudent.


03-06-22, 01:57
I wanted to post an update to this. I recently saw a urologist and had a Cystoscopy done. It revealed nothing but a perfectly normal bladder. While it’s good that nothing bad was found, it doesn’t help my urination problem which triggers my insomnia.

The urologist didn’t want to prescribe anything at my age for stuff that blocks out urination. I guess he would know better than I would. I have Prostatitis and the frequent urination happens on my days off work only. Not sure how I can manage this because it really affects my sleep.

03-06-22, 06:47
I wanted to post an update to this. I recently saw a urologist and had a Cystoscopy done. It revealed nothing but a perfectly normal bladder. While it’s good that nothing bad was found, it doesn’t help my urination problem which triggers my insomnia.

A perfectly normal bladder means that this is down to anxiety..

The urologist didn’t want to prescribe anything at my age for stuff that blocks out urination. I guess he would know better than I would. I have Prostatitis and the frequent urination happens on my days off work only. Not sure how I can manage this because it really affects my sleep.

This doesn't make any sense.

My brother has literally just gone through this; his urinary frequency was constant throughout the day and night and did not take days off..

What I'm thinking is that you will have less time to fixate on your bladder at work therefore it's less of an issue because your mind is distracted for long periods of time whereas this is less likely to be the case on days off..

05-06-22, 21:44
A perfectly normal bladder means that this is down to anxiety..

This doesn't make any sense.

My brother has literally just gone through this; his urinary frequency was constant throughout the day and night and did not take days off..

What I'm thinking is that you will have less time to fixate on your bladder at work therefore it's less of an issue because your mind is distracted for long periods of time whereas this is less likely to be the case on days off..

Well, I thought so too when this first started but I think it's more than just anxiety. When I was on vacation, I went almost the whole week with no issues despite having time to think about it. And sometimes, I had no issues even on nights where I'd normally have the issue.

My insomnia is still an issue but lately, it's been confusing for me. I literally had 5.5 hours pass without me remembering being up but yet my eyes feel irritated, my arms/legs feel stiff and achy, and I have some pressure in my head. I've touched on this kind of thing before most likely but it is worrisome that I feel terrible like this.

Tonight, I'm likely to have frequent urination so if I did not sleep well last night, it'll only make me more miserable. I think because I'm at work on work days and i'm active, I think exercise is the culprit. But on my off days, it's impossible to replicate 8 hours of work. Besides that, it's my off day. I wouldn't want to do that much exercise.

06-06-22, 17:17
I literally had 5.5 hours pass without me remembering being up

My experience of this is that I've been asleep or in a Jack Daniel's induced coma passed out in various places, including my nephew's trampoline...:ohmy:

but yet my eyes feel irritated, my arms/legs feel stiff and achy, and I have some pressure in my head. I've touched on this kind of thing before most likely but it is worrisome that I feel terrible like this.

This sound like me with my allergies...

Tonight, I'm likely to have frequent urination so if I did not sleep well last night, it'll only make me more miserable.

The problem with anxiety is thoughts like these can become self-fulfilling prophecies - simply because it's a normal part of the stress response. You worry you won't sleep and your brain will make sure that you don't. Try some reverse psychology on yourself Seaster..

I think because I'm at work on work days and i'm active, I think exercise is the culprit. But on my off days, it's impossible to replicate 8 hours of work. Besides that, it's my off day. I wouldn't want to do that much exercise.

I honestly think this is a mental issue...

14-10-22, 22:39
Well, after months of doing just fine, I have ran into an all too familiar bump in the wall. I went to bed around 1 am but my frequent urination flared up and made it difficult for me to be comfortable in bed and sleep. The ONLY time last night to where I felt I may have gotten any sleep was when I went back to bed around 4:50 am after taking some ZZZquil. (I do this when I am still up and it usually works for me.)

So I took the cup of ZZZquil and laid back in bed. (This was around 4:55 am) Next time I get up, it's 6:35 am and I have a STRONG urge to pee. Then again, my urge to pee has been very strong in addition to the frequency. I can be holding it for 5 minutes and it'll feel like I had been holding it for hours.

Either way, it seems that after taking the sleep medicine, it's likely I finally dozed off? My worry is that I did not and I am in bad shape now because I'm running on no sleep. While I do feel a bit off, I haven't yawned or felt like closing my eyes. So really, I don't know.

I've dealt with this situation before but my anxiety is building because the frequent urination problem could crop up again. If that happens, what can I do to sleep? I don't even care if I wet the bed to be honest. I just want to sleep. The one thing that usually happens with my urination issue is that I usually end up sleeping once it fizzles out but sometimes it doesn't and lasts all night into the day.

15-10-22, 08:22
Either way, it seems that after taking the sleep medicine, it's likely I finally dozed off? My worry is that I did not and I am in bad shape now because I'm running on no sleep. While I do feel a bit off, I haven't yawned or felt like closing my eyes. So really, I don't know.

Sounds like you slept to me, Seaster. :shrug:

15-10-22, 17:17
I did sleep and I did last night too. Though, I was up for the first 4 hours of the night and was miserable. Constantly feeling like I need to pee and even lightly sweating at one point. Eventually, I fell asleep because time started to pass that I don't remember.

Part of my mind was jumping to things like what if this peeing thing never goes away during the night? I'm glad I got some eventually but it was a real worry for the first part of the night.

16-10-22, 08:34
Part of my mind was jumping to things like what if this peeing thing never goes away during the night? I'm glad I got some eventually but it was a real worry for the first part of the night.

The need to urinate is part of fight or flight. It's the classic needing to go to the toilet a million times before a job interview etc. The more youfear this symptom (anxiety) the more stress hormones will be released, and these hormones directly affect your bladder.