View Full Version : Nasal Cancer Worries

04-02-22, 06:24
Has anyone had experience with long term sinus or nasal issues?

For the past 12 years I’ve had one side of my nose always stuffed up (most likely deviated septum).

The past 4-5 or so years I’ve had a fair amount of post nasal drip year round. Mainly causing me to clear my through throughout the day.

Lately I’ve had slight pressure in my sinuses below my eyes. I’m currently in a bit of panic that it’s paranasal sinus cancer, or a polyp that has turned cancer.

I feel guilty because for the last 12 years I’ve used all sorts of nose sprays. This feeling is pretty awful.

04-02-22, 15:09
Has anyone had experience with long term sinus or nasal issues?

For the past 12 years I’ve had one side of my nose always stuffed up (most likely deviated septum).

The past 4-5 or so years I’ve had a fair amount of post nasal drip year round. Mainly causing me to clear my through throughout the day.

Lately I’ve had slight pressure in my sinuses below my eyes. I’m currently in a bit of panic that it’s paranasal sinus cancer, or a polyp that has turned cancer.

I feel guilty because for the last 12 years I’ve used all sorts of nose sprays. This feeling is pretty awful.

04-02-22, 16:44
Hi I have something similar, I can’t breath out of the left nostril it seems to have ‘collapsed’ at the top. I get a lot of sinus pressure and random runny noses, the doctors never found a cause. No point feeling guilty about using nose sprays as I’m sure most of us have used them. I spent a whole 9 months of pregnancy at one point using them. Yes you get rebound stuffiness but I can’t imagine they would cause serious long term problems. Why don’t you on this occasion visit your g.p and explain you symptoms. They would best advise on this occasion. Sarah

04-02-22, 18:51

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