View Full Version : left arm pain

20-11-07, 12:03
i have had left arm pain before but i have had a different ache or deadness for three days now. really bad today. does any one know if you can have a pain for three days in the arm and it be your heart

it is sore when i move it, but also sore when i am still

i am panicking bad and at home with 4 of my children so i cant get out

can anyone help me please


20-11-07, 15:58
I know you can have pain in your arm for ages and it not be your heart if that's any help. :) I get it a lot. I had constant pain in my right arm for the last 4 days before I had to go to the hospital, now I've been, it has vanished.

20-11-07, 17:14

I get a lot of pain in both my arm, but particularly my left arm and it goes all the way down to my hand. Frightens the hell out of me some times, but i know its my anxiety as it comes and goes - like most symptoms.
Try to relax and practice your breathing techniques as i feel this is the main cause.
Take care
Judi xxxxx

21-11-07, 00:22
Hi Jackie :hugs: I get a lot of pain in my left arm hun also my left leg for me it's always left sided hope this helps :hugs: xxx

22-11-07, 16:40
thanks you three, it just seems worse at the minute. all rationallity has went through the window,

its so so hard to not panic and run, have been doing alot of yoga so perhaps its a strain but just feel its my heart

thanks again


22-11-07, 19:21

Scroll right down to the bottom of this screen and you will see some "Similar threads"

Have a read of those too.