View Full Version : Oral cancer fear

07-02-22, 16:24
Hi all, I’m sorry if I offend anyone but I’m in a bad place. I’ve suffered with health anxiety for three years now. It has got really bad over the last year after experiencing a family bereavement and a separation due to domestic violence. I have had cbt about two years ago and I am on anti depressants. I was in a much better place and felt like life was nearly normal again. However after the events of last year it has triggered my HA to the point where I can barely function.
I have had a fear of oral cancer for some time now. I think due to the fact that I used to smoke and drink quite regularly. I went to the dentist two weeks ago, I nearly had a panic attack in the waiting room as I was so scared of what he might say. However he did an oral cancer check and said to the lady taking notes all clear. He was very thorough. However he did ask me twice if I smoke and drank alcohol and now I’m wondering why? Did he see something and not say? Are there early signs of etheyoplakia? Or is it just that my teeth are stained? I know in my rational mind all is fine but I can’t stop obsessing over why he asked me that, twice! Im so worried. Im 48, previous smoker and drinker but gave up a year ago. Any advice would really help xx

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07-02-22, 17:06
They always ask if you smoke and drink but they can see that you smoke from the staining on the teeth and of course things like red wine and coffee will stain the teeth as well.

They would have said if anything was amiss.

17-02-22, 10:04
They absolutely would say, even if they saw something little they wanted to keep an eye on. "All clear" is about as conclusive as you can get. Questions about smoking and drinking are common in almost every health check/exam.

Btw, congrats on being an ex-smoker.

18-02-22, 03:15
I'm terrified of tongue cancer. I've had a sore white area on the side of my tongue for a few months. Went to the dentist today, and he did a cancer check and said everything looked good. Of course, instead of being relieved, I am now sitting here thinking that he missed something. HA is horrible

25-02-22, 11:48
It’s awful isn’t it? Just a constant fear of what if he’s not saying something and wants to check again! I know it’s my HA but it’s so hard to beat at the moment. I have to have a filling in two weeks and I’m not bothered by injections etc just full of fear that he may find something untoward next time [emoji22]

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