View Full Version : Im worrying about blindness today

07-02-22, 18:17
Hi, i work in sainsbury's veg department and today i was replacing old stock with new, i flipped a tray of loose oranges over to put on another tray, and a waft of dust/fog blew back into my face/eyes. I quickly realised there were moldy oranges like this.


I washed my eyes with water, but thats all i could do at the time, now i am worried about going blind because of the bacteria. I am going out of my mind with fear.

07-02-22, 18:24
Just NO, a great big resounding NO. It is entirely and utterly impossible, it follows no rules of biology in any shape or form. Mould isn't a bacteria for starters ! (its a fungus) Mould spores are floating around in the air and going in your eyes all the time and your eyes cope with it just fine. :) The very maximum this experience would do (in my non-mould-expert opinion, which I admit) is to cause an allergic response with watery eyes, which is designed to actually wash them out and get rid of them. I'm guessing by the fact that it didn't cause you to cough and get runny eyes, that you didn't even have an allergen response. Don't you think that if there was an issue like this, blindness from fruit mould, then half the population and certainly those working in Supermarkets would be blind and they'd give warnings to the public !So, there we go - all over and simply no reason to concern yourself AT ALL.

These are the sorts of things you need to say to yourself when things like this happen, starting applying some 'life logic' to the situation. Besides - maybe it was Penicillin that was growing on the fruit and can't see any harm from that ? :winks: (Disclaimer - doesn't mean it is useable penicillin as it needs a biologist to extract, purify and do various treatments to it)

08-02-22, 00:45
Cary’s is absolutely right no just no. Interesting anecdote I have got dog poo/flies/dirty old mascara wands/plasterboard dust/old paint chips and a thousand more things in my eyes. I still have 20/20 vision…. I won’t lie the dogpoo was an absolute violation but we keep it moving in life. You aren’t going blind.

08-02-22, 02:36
Cary’s is absolutely right no just no. Interesting anecdote I have got dog poo/flies/dirty old mascara wands/plasterboard dust/old paint chips and a thousand more things in my eyes. I still have 20/20 vision…. I won’t lie the dogpoo was an absolute violation but we keep it moving in life. You aren’t going blind.

Question: How does one get dog poo in their eyes? :huh: (Yeah... I mean our doggie has 'farted' on me and that was enough to make me gag but...) Nahhh... don't answer....Its an Ewwwww regardless :roflmao:


08-02-22, 08:06
My dog was running on a field and someone else’s dog had laid a turd and they hadn’t picked it up the tramps. Bruno’s back legs flicked it up at my face. It was a pretty low moment for me 🤣 I had to walk the mile back home aswell