View Full Version : dentist question

09-02-22, 00:05
Hi peeps,

Went to the dentist 3 weeks ago for a filling. And after having the procedure I've been in a lot of pain (was in no pain before this). First the pain was in my teeth and now suffering really bad headaches. I went back to the dentist, and she said I've got an infection and gave me antibiotics. Can anyone give me advice on why I'm still suffering with really bad headaches? I'm using a lot of paracetamol

Also dentist did say I might need root canal work and a wisdom tooth removing.

09-02-22, 00:28
It could be tension from the procedure, or perhaps referred pain from your jaw due to the infection. There are lots of nerves in around your teeth that can cause pain in the head.
Have you finished the course of antibiotics yet?

If the headaches are still bothering you and the infection is cleared, it might be a good idea to go to your GP. They can probably help you with more effective pain relief than paracetamol if it's not working.

09-02-22, 12:25
Thanks for that. yeah ive finished my antibiotic course

09-02-22, 17:57
Yep I was going to suggest referred pain too. The head and neck have loads of nerve endings that can cause unexpected pain. About three years ago I had joint pain in my shoulder. The pain radiated right to the top of my head, the GP explained it in some detail.

10-02-22, 00:13