View Full Version : Burning, red tip of tongue, enlarged tastebuds papillae 3 weeks (not burnt tongue)

09-02-22, 18:18
I have had a red burning tip of my tongue for 3 weeks now. The taste buds/papillae are really swollen and enlarged.
I haven't burnt my tongue but it is burning. The taste buds are so enlarged and I have a sort of split in the centre of my tongue where the taste buds are really enlarged.

I have tried to stay calm and wait to see if it goes but at the 3 week point I'm panicking and thinking worst scenarios.

I have been using mouth wash for dry mouth with no alcohol in, in case it's due to the tongue being dry, I have tried daktarin in case there's infection, drinking more water and warm salt mouth washes but nothing has helped. The burning has lessened a handful of times even though the enlarged papillaie/taste buds stay enlarged, but the burning comes back quickly within the same day.

Has anyone had this? I'm getting really scared, I'll ring my dr I just want to know if anyone has any ideas or had the same thing.

09-02-22, 23:30
Not quite the same thing as you have, but I had enlarged papillae at the tip of my tongue which then went down to a single one which stuck around for a few months. I ended up getting it checked out, and it was found to be benign.

If it's not going away for you, the best person to look at it is actually your dentist, as they know exactly what to look for, and if there's anything of concern about it. If they feel it needs more investigation, they'll refer to you a specialist.

16-02-22, 00:28
Thank you for your reply, mines not getting any better and it’s been 4 weeks now.

I’ll definitely ring my dr and see my dentist.

Glad yours was benign!

16-02-22, 01:24
I've had it. Several times. Never found the cause but read that it can be an anxiety symptom. Contact your Dr for piece of mind. Mine eventually went away. The burning sensation was horrendous and I used to hold my tongue in a glass of cool water. Ice-cream was soothing too.
I'd stop using the mouthwash because I think it will only aggravate it.

16-02-22, 09:00
Are you taking any new medications or SSRI's?
This can be a side effect of some meds.
It also can be allergy based, my granny used to get a sore tongue from certain foods. She worked out what the trigger was and it eventually got better.

17-02-22, 19:24
I've had it. Several times. Never found the cause but read that it can be an anxiety symptom. Contact your Dr for piece of mind. Mine eventually went away. The burning sensation was horrendous and I used to hold my tongue in a glass of cool water. Ice-cream was soothing too.
I'd stop using the mouthwash because I think it will only aggravate it.

Did you see visible swollen buds too or have a split down the middle? It’s burning so much I’ve tried sucking on ice cubes, salt washes, I’ve stopped using mouthwash as I feared like you said it’d only make the pain worse. I spoke to my dr they want to do a blood test and am seeing my dentist tomorrow. How long does yours usually last as I’m into my 4th week so am getting really anxious.

17-02-22, 19:25
Are you taking any new medications or SSRI's?
This can be a side effect of some meds.
It also can be allergy based, my granny used to get a sore tongue from certain foods. She worked out what the trigger was and it eventually got better.

I’m not currently on any new medication I did think about an allergy but don’t seem to have changed anything

12-07-23, 15:07
I have the exact same thing, did you find out what it was?