View Full Version : Scared I’ve broken my knee

10-02-22, 22:13
So today I tripped out of nowhere and fell flat on my hands and knees, but my one knee took most of the impact.

I managed to get up pretty much straight away and walk off but it was a bit sore. It happened at the start of the day and I still did full day at work but since I’ve been home I’ve noticed the pain more especially when I bend/ walk and there’s quite a bit of bruising.

Just feel really upset and can’t stop worrying that I’ve actually really damaged my knee cap or broken it :(

10-02-22, 22:25
I injured my knee back in June when my doggie and another bigger doggie took my knee out. Messed up the medial ligament. I literally saw stars and while I could walk (more like limp) I was in excruciating pain. It took months to finally heal. You wouldn't have made it through the day if your knee cap was broken. No doubt your sore but broken? You'd be at the doctor or hospital, not here.


10-02-22, 22:38

Thanks for your reply and sorry to hear about your injury in June. I hope that is isn’t causing you any more pain.

“ you wouldn’t have made it through the day...” is what I also tried to tell myself. Yes it was uncomfortable and I was a bit shaken up but my understanding was all that if I had broken it, I would be in awful pain.

But since I’ve been home I’ve just felt slightly off/ queasy and as the bruising is coming out. It’s making me worry.

I’m thinking the queasy- ness could maybe be a bit of shock if nothing else, as it definitely did shake me a bit. Had someone run over to ask if I was okay!

10-02-22, 22:42
I don't think it sounds broken but if you are still worried tomorrow then you would need to get it x-rayed.

I broke my shoulder in 2020 and I couldn't move after doing it so I knew something wasn't right.

10-02-22, 23:39
I fell on a concrete step on my knee 2 years ago and cut it quite badly. I couldn’t bend it for nearly a month and was worried I’d chipped the bone. I had an X-ray which was all clear. Apparently there are lots of various things (I can’t remember the names) round your knee to protect the joints and muscles and it’s really common to damage them in a fall. I had just banged mine badly, so perhaps you’ve done similar.

It’s unlikely you’ve broken it, but keep it iced if you can see swelling, and maybe keep it raised on a pillow at night too if you can sleep like that.

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10-02-22, 23:41
Should also point out that I felt really queasy and faint after, also with shock I think. It really hurt too, I could barely put weight on it that first day or 2 x

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11-02-22, 00:50
Thank you both for taking the time to reply.

@Scass what happened to you sounds very similar to my situation. I was outside just walking along the pavement ( so concrete) when I fell. Sorry you were in so much pain with it. Can definitely sympathise!

I thought I was dealing with it fairly well ( managed to dust my trousers and pretend I wasn’t crying lol) and went about my day as best I could. But just had a rough evening of it.

Sounds like you felt very similar to me @Scass with the queasiness. Not nice at all but hopefully won’t be long lived 😬.

It’s just strange as I’ve fallen in the past and not thought too much of it. However this probably is the first “ nasty fall” that I’ve had in years. Maybe as far back as a kid!

11-02-22, 08:39
I broke my wrist as a child when my brother pushed me down the stairs (I still use it as a bargaining chip to this day) and I remember the pain was revolting I was gagging from it. I have some kind of knee problem periodically where the inside of it seems to inflame usually after going on a trampoline or treadmill (very rare occasion) and the pain is shocking it’s like electric shock pain inside of the knee. Don’t know what it is and probably should seek medical advice actually but because it’s my knee and I don’t associate my knee with life threatening I don’t bother. You categorically have not broken your knee. You wouldn’t be able to walk, I reckon you would probably be crying from the pain too. I’m pretty sure your knee would be enormous also. My bil fractured his ankle drunk and didn’t realise the next day his ankle was HUGE and blue and he had white toes. I think with bone breakages usually it is pretty clear that something definitely isn’t right x