View Full Version : HA bouncing from one topic to the next, currently...

11-02-22, 15:27
Hi there,

I’ve posted on here recently and think I mentioned about my MND worries - which I no longer have of course. But each time now something new emerges and I’m convinced that ‘this time I’m right - this time this really IS something serious’ and it moves on that way.

Currently of course it has moved onto bowel concerns. Three weeks ago as I wiped (and it feels strange me typing this still as this is all new to me to write about this online), I noticed some read ‘patches’ on the paper along with you know what. I thought maybe it was a little blood at first but I had a lot of tomatoes and peppers the night before. Upon a little inspection I thought perhaps it didn’t behave like blood and although seemed somewhat liquid - part of it was definitely solid - like turned into a sort of a ‘particle’ which I thought must have meant it wasn’t blood.

So I’ve since noticed yesterday that if I bleed slightly when I brush my teeth - that if I spit into the sink and rince - there seems to be little harder blood particles left behind that stick to the sink and even paper. Which has me thinking it was blood on the paper weeks ago.

I keep going over this in my head now. I think the rational side of me knows it was probably a bit of tomato. Or even if it was blood then still probably nothing serious. It was 3 weeks ago and was the only ever time it happened. Not since(I did have what was definitely peppers and tomatoes later on and after though. Just this time it seemed more liquid and harder to describe as being more solid).

Anyone else going through this? You can probably tell I get overly fixated. And perhaps my HA is just a bit severe at the moment this last while.

11-02-22, 15:43
Ps. I’m 35 years old - I also keep checking statistics for this sort of a thing now as well for people my age. I think I’ve just let it get a little out of hand really.

16-02-22, 20:05
So the same thing happened again, but it was after I ate tomatoes! The same again there was what looked like a red stain with some smeared that really looked like blood. But the main part was more of a solid pass that smudged a bit on paper but was slightly more orangey. But the main part was more of a particle that didn’t smudge.

I’m guessing as it behaved like a bright coloured solid flake that it means it couldn’t be blood?

However do tomatoes tend to smear as well? Tomato juice? Ps. I perhaps really do sound crazy 😂 I’m aware. But maybe others are going through similar