View Full Version : Worried smell is toxic

12-02-22, 07:21
I've been meaning to take my laptop in for repairs lately, as for about a month it's been emitting a burnt, solder-type smell when turned on. I've only used it periodically and briefly since I first noticed it, mainly to back up files in case it dies. However, I've noticed each time I get a slight or mild headache shortly after. I'm now incredibly worried that I may be breathing in toxic fumes which could poison me or give me cancer. The smell is not terribly strong and I haven't seen any visible smoke, but I'm terrified I'm going to die or get very ill from a broken computer of all things.

12-02-22, 10:41
Something is overheating - probably your CPU fan exhaust is blocked with dust - but in all likelihood the smell isn't anything toxic.

(Electronics engineer for over 40 years.)

13-02-22, 02:54
Thanks Pample. That does make me feel better, especially considering your experience.
I'm as about computer-illiterate as a zoomer can be, lol.

13-02-22, 11:34
No problem - I would get a tech to look at your laptop sooner rather than later though as heat is the enemy of electronics.

In my former employment we had some equipment that was left on 24/7 and it was only when a safety testing regime was introduced and the stuff had to be turned off did we start getting major burn-ups as a result - much smoke and even burnt circuit boards. Also had that with a great-aunt's TV set.