View Full Version : I could really do with some calming down if possible, lymph node

15-02-22, 10:58
I've just noticed a sore enlarged lymph node on the right hand side of my neck, its sort of at the bottom of the neck nearly on the muscle going down towards the shoulder, it's like a baked bean, of course been on Google, frightened myself sh*$less, I've got a doctor phoning Mr at some point today. I'm so petrified I've had to phone in work as I can't function.

15-02-22, 12:11
There is a chance you had this for a long time and just noticed it now.

I've found several lymph nodes 1.5 years ago in my neck, all painless and being hypochondriac I was sure I would have noticed them before if they were there. Now, year and a half later, they are the same size same place, and I probably had them for a long time.

15-02-22, 12:36
You're probably right, just thinking the worst as usual. I just wish I hadn't have googled. In my brain I now have metastatic cancer or lymphoma. Still waiting for the doctor to phone.

15-02-22, 14:46
Sometimes lymph nodes come up and just don't ever go down (I think the term is scarred?). I had one in my neck that was up forever, literally years, and my doctor told me it probably wouldn't go away - and now it's not there anymore.

Even if it is up for a reason, there are so, so many reasons lymph nodes enlarge. Most harmless. Even something small like getting a cut could potentially cause your nodes to spring into action.

15-02-22, 15:14
Thank you, I'm just trying to get rid of a cold at the moment, my glands have swollen up before but never in this place, or I've never felt in this place for them, they've always been behind my ears and I've not worried about them. It just seems an odd place to have a gland. Doctors still haven't phoned up yet and my tummy is churning.

15-02-22, 22:48
I have news for you. A 'baked bean' sized node is not enlarged ;) I know what you're concerned with but when I had H&N cancer, it looked like I had an egg sticking out the side of my neck!


16-02-22, 22:42
Thank you, I think it was more the location that panicked me, I'm used to them raised under my ears but that's it. Went to the doctors she felt all around my neck and shoulders and so did a medical student and they weren't worried at all, she just said it would go down in a couple of days, felt relief when I was in there, as soon as I got home the panic returned.

17-02-22, 14:30
felt relief when I was in there, as soon as I got home the panic returned.

That's normal, that's the anxiety. Try to distract yourself with really anything. And try to challenge those panicked thoughts. "If this was concerning, the doctor would have known that - they are the professional."

17-02-22, 21:57
You phone in to say you werent going to work because of this ? Really, you shouldn't be at the point where one (even if it was) slightly raised lymph node means you don't go to work......

You do know what lymph nodes do don't you, they go up and down all the time in order to fight off minor things - bacteria, viruses, a sore gum, an ear infection, a uti this and that and the other. They are designed to fight infections of any sort, and many times you won't even know they are doing their job, even if they are a bit larger in one place then they are doing their job.

23-02-22, 21:59
My husband has a lump in his neck, I too worried about it and posted about it a little while ago on here.
He went to the GP who said as it wasn’t getting bigger, and he had no other symptoms (such as night sweats, fatigue etc) then he wasn’t concerned. He did some blood tests and they came back fine. He referred him to ENT, but said himself he thought they’d say the same as him.
He had his ENT appointment and they said the same as the GP. They said it was probably just a lymph node that didn’t go back down after an infection. It moves when you press it and it’s smooth to touch, and about the size of a baked bean - they said that’s all signs of a lymph node with nothing to worry about. :)

28-02-22, 14:08
Thank you everyone, well its still there. So still worrying, I've just started counselling to help me through things as antidepressants aren't working. I've got a doctors appointment next Wednesday so I'll mention it then. I'm so sick of feeling like this.

28-02-22, 14:09
I dont have a cold or anything now so surely it should have gone.