View Full Version : Constant Numbness/Weakness on one side of body.

15-02-22, 16:55

It’s been a really long time since I’ve been on here asking questions, since dealing with childhood trauma my anxiety symptoms have become a lot more manageable.

However four months ago I developed numbness/weakness in my right leg, at first it felt odd and just different to my left leg, but now it’s is a constant feeling and has gradually affected my right arm and the right side of my face. For example when I smile, my face moves but I can’t feel the right side move the same as the left.

I am waiting for an appointment at the neurologist, this can take up to 8 weeks. I guess I’m wondering if this could possibly be anxiety/mental health related? Is it possible to have this level of numbness constantly for 4 months and it be an anxiety symptom? The problem is, is that when you mention to Drs and Specialists that you have anxiety they can sometimes have a tendency to link any symptom to it!

As someone who had and still has to some degree health anxiety for most of their life, I’m trying to remain calm but as you can imagine this has triggered me quite a lot and I am trying to figure it out in a rational way.

I have been told that it’s highly unlikely to be cancer or a brain tumour so that has helped me to stay calmer.

Has anyone experienced anything like this before?


15-02-22, 17:52
Hi Hannah,

Sorry to hear you're going through this.

Hopefully this will reassure you a little. I have entire left sided issues in the left side of my face, hand, foot and toes. For me it comes and goes, and ranges from tingling to real numbness and weakness. My head and neck MRI results ruled out brain and spine tumours, so yes there are people with one sided symptoms like yours who didn't end up having anything malignant going on :)

Always a good idea to check with your doctor, which it seems like you've done and you're on the right track. I too am waiting for a further neuro appointment, and I know how scary it can be when you're feeling these kinds of sensations (or lack of!)

16-03-22, 05:23
I’m going through this one-sided numbness as well. It is in my left hand and left foot. I also have a numb-ish sensation on the left side of my face. I say numb-ish because it isn’t really numb just feels different. No weakness or loss of coordination though. It’s making me terribly anxious which just seems to make the sensation worse. I checked my journal and I’ve been having this off and on for almost 2 years, but it seems more constant now. I have a c-spine MRI next week to check things out. A brain MRI in 2019 was clear. I hope Hannah is ok.

16-03-22, 09:25
I’m going through this one-sided numbness as well. It is in my left hand and left foot. I also have a numb-ish sensation on the left side of my face. I say numb-ish because it isn’t really numb just feels different. No weakness or loss of coordination though. It’s making me terribly anxious which just seems to make the sensation worse. I checked my journal and I’ve been having this off and on for almost 2 years, but it seems more constant now. I have a c-spine MRI next week to check things out. A brain MRI in 2019 was clear. I hope Hannah is ok.

Hope your c-spine MRI is all clear :)

And I hope Hannah is ok too!

23-03-22, 01:45
MRI came back normal. Better than I expected. Good news!

23-03-22, 10:39
That's great news!

17-05-22, 21:29
Hi I have this now since Sunday evening and I'm so scared that it's a brain tumour. I have a GP video call tomorrow morning and am sure he's going to send me straight to A&E and I don't think I'm going to be able to go.

My mum died two months ago and I've always thought I would die shortly after her (I don't know why?) I am so anxious I feel like I might just collapse.

20-05-22, 16:36
Hi I have this now since Sunday evening and I'm so scared that it's a brain tumour. I have a GP video call tomorrow morning and am sure he's going to send me straight to A&E and I don't think I'm going to be able to go.

My mum died two months ago and I've always thought I would die shortly after her (I don't know why?) I am so anxious I feel like I might just collapse.

So sorry to hear about your mum.

Did you find out what the issue was with your one sided numbness?