View Full Version : Zap in one cheek / facia sensations

16-02-22, 15:36
Say in the last week or two I posted that one morning I felt an electrical sensation across my right chin. I was super worried that this was trigeminal neuralgia and it really affected my state of mental health for a few days. It never happens again and I kind a let it go and have been working on my anxiety. However today I was getting ready for work and I felt an electrical type nerve pain come across my cheek (LEFT side this time) it was kinda a sting sensation. Last a few seconds now gone. I’m so scared I don’t know what to make of these sensations I get. TN is rare to happen on both sides so I guess it rules that mostly out? At what point do I need to see a doctor and get an MRI? I have feared a BR for 15 years now…: never had a scan bc fears come and go and try not to do anything not medically indicated.

Anyone else get zaps in your face?! I know that I clench my teeth but fear it could be something worse.

17-02-22, 23:11
Hi, I get these zaps in my face, also on other areas of my body.
I just always assumed it was a nerve firing off. It's never actually worried me funnily enough, because everything worries me