View Full Version : Chest pain

17-02-22, 16:51
I was sitting on my couch this morning and all of the sudden, I had a very distinct and sharp pain in my rib cage on the right side. It hurts when I take a deep breath. I can press on a specific location and make it worse. It feels like the pain is a muscle on the "outside" of my rib cage vs. pain under my rib cage. As this has been going on now for several hours, I am beginning to really freak out. Both my parents died of lung disease from smoking. I don't smoke but I saw their slow painful deaths and I greatly fear dying that way. I also know I should drink less and since this pain is roughly over my liver, I am super worried about that too. I also had some blood work done a few months ago that showed I had a fatty liver. Anyway, I am trying to hold it together. Thanks for listening.

17-02-22, 22:27
In my mind I am convinced that I have large tumor on one of my organs and it is pressing on my ribs. This has been going on for many hours and I am losing my ability to reason. : (

18-02-22, 12:01
Ive been here myself its not a nice place to be im struggling with the same thing right now.

21-02-22, 06:11
I wanted to post an update. Hopefully this will help someone in the future. After several days of chest pain on my right side, the pain has mostly gone away. I do not know what cause it. Good luck and peace to you all.