View Full Version : Lump on back of neck...what's going on?

17-02-22, 19:37
Hello everyone!

I have posted here several years ago over lymph node/lump concerns. Since then I have been back and forth struggling with health anxiety. I have been able to manage fairly well until recently. I had discovered a lump on the back of my hairline toward the right side probably about 6 months ago at this point. I had calmed myself about it for months, working against my mind telling me something was wrong. I've had lumps/nodes around my neck and jaw and armpit checked many times over the years, the doctors always saying it was normal.

So this past Friday I decided to start poking and prodding and it quite a bit (dumb I know). It was about the size of a pea, moved pretty easier below my skin, and I recall some time of material being able to be squeezed out of it. I woke up the next morning with it being really painful and swollen, nothing oozes out or anything like that and it doesn't seem to have a discernible head. Still just blew it off at this point, but by Tuesday night the area has grown to be about a diameter of 50 mm. I decided to head over to an urgent care facility, who could not give me an answer on what it was. They gave me antibiotics to take twice a day and a referral for an ENT. I have an appointment with the ENT this Tuesday but I am panicking about it in the meantime. Since Tuesday night it has not grown in size but it has also not gotten any better. I've never felt something like this on my body before. The fact that the urgent care doctor had no idea also has me very concerned, my fiance told me to not let that worry me and that we will deal with it when i see the ENT.

Has anyone had a similar experience?

Thank you!

18-02-22, 07:54
It sounds like a cyst that has become infected after you've squeezed it.

I've had lots of cysts over the years, sometimes they just stay as they are, sometimes they get bigger and I end up having to have them drained or removed and sometimes they get infected.

The best thing to do right now is leave it alone and take your antibiotics.