View Full Version : Breathing Nightmare!

20-11-07, 14:38

One of the main symptoms I get is this horrible almost gulping of air. When I try and breathe slowly in through my nose and out through my mouth it sometimes makes me feel worse. Im guessing this is quite a common symptom so please forgive me if im going over old ground but was wondering what you guys do to help ease this horrible breathlessness.

Many thanks


20-11-07, 15:19
Hello Carl !
This is classic hyperventilation - and we all do it.
I try to use 2:2 breathing - breathe in for your count of two, breathe out for your count of two, hold breath for your count of two. This helps to regularise the ratio of carbon dioxide in your blood and brings down the feeling of breathlessness.

20-11-07, 15:46
Carl, don't worry about this- neptuno is right, it's just hyperventilation. Try and do something that will really take your mind off it and keep you busy. I find exercise is a fantastic way to get rid of hyperventilation as you do get breathless from the exercise but this kind of 're-starts' your breathing when you cool down and releases serotonin so you feel better all round. I have had this for a period of 3 days before, don't worry about it, it will go!

20-11-07, 18:56
Thanks all I try those ideas.

C :)