View Full Version : Swollen Lymph node - very anxious

18-02-22, 23:43
Hi Admin, I posted this in the COVID forum and I got no replies. I hope ok to post here as I am hoping that I will get some responses?

Hi everyone, I haven’t been here for a while as my HA has been in check. Well here I am again. I had the Pfizer Booster nearly 5 weeks ago and had no side effects. Fast forward today, I went for my annual breast ultrasound and the technician mentioned that I had a swollen lymph node in my armpit. I had never noticed it as it was not painful at all. He mentioned that it would have been from the booster as I would have gotten the injection on my left arm closest to the lymph nodes. That sent me into a panic as I could not recall which arm was injected. He wasn’t concerned as he said he couldn’t see anything sinister however my mind is in over drive at the moment :scared15:

I called the receptionist at my doctors surgery to ask if they keep record of the location of the injection site and was advised that they didn’t.

my questions are;

Can you still get swollen lymph nodes under the arm which was not injected?
Can swollen lymph nodes caused by the vaccine last for more than 4-5 weeks?

im very anxious as I’m worried that if the swelling is not caused by the vaccine that I could have some other serious condition such as lymphoma.

Any reassuring advice would be greatly appreciated.

19-02-22, 07:44
They usually inject in the non-dominant arm over here. So if you're right handed it was probably in the left.

I would say if the tech at the breast screening clinic didn't thing it was anything concerning, don't worry about it.

22-02-22, 14:36
I imagine if you are right handed you would have gotten the injection in the left arm.

I hate lymph nodes. If it makes you feel better I can feel a fair few in my neck. They are small and dont seem to change in size so the doc wasnt concerned.

Some people can just feel them more than others. I imagine it will decrease in size if it was due to the jab, but also bare in mind, now you know exactly where it is, you may still be able to feel it a little.

23-02-22, 00:34
Hi there! Hopefully this issue has resolved, just wanted to say I got boosted in my dominant arm as I use it more and wanted to reduce the soreness. But, my underarm node did swell up for a few days and then went back to normal size. I think this is a pretty typical reaction to the booster from what I’ve heard from others!