View Full Version : Please help me - I am desperate. I can't take any more.

19-02-22, 16:05
Hi guys,
To cut a long story short. I've posted before but I am still struggling.
In 2020, one of my family members was unwell. It was lockdown. I wasn't sleeping great. I went to pee at 4am when I was still up and still felt I had to go. I immediaitely had a panic attack as I struggle with any type of body sensations. I eventually fell asleep and when I woke up began hyperfocusing on my bladder. I tried to ignore it but my anxiety over this was sky high. No pain, just a feeling of needing to pee. I ended up going to the GP that day and they gave me antibiotics for a UTI. Turns out I didn't have one! I ended up googling and finding the name of interstitial cystitis and became convinced I had this.
2 weeks passed where I spent every day focused on my bladder, checking if I needed to go etc. I ended up going into hospital because I got myself into such a frenzy. I would spend days having panic attacks, reading about interstitial cystitis horror stories and accepting my life was over. I have awful health anxiety so I had been here before. When in hospital, I had a bladder scan. It was healthy looking. I also noticed that in hospital the anxiety dissipated becuase I knew I was safe and the frequent urge to urinate disappeared. I returned home and slowly went back to normal. It was still on my mind but no where near where it was. I would still monitor how often I needed to go. I read online that you're meant to be peeing only every 3-4 hours so I would force myself to wait that amount of time etc. I had burning only after I urinated and sometimes I felt spasms, but found out I had both BV and yeast infections causing vulvar irritation! I stopped drinking soda, alcohol and everything convincing myself this would help.
In 2021, I eventually began to feel normal. I returned to my old diet. I actually remember thinking in August that I never thought peeing would feel automatic again and non-anxiety inducing. I went on road trips, went out with friends and lived a normal 25 year olds life!
However, a bout of time off from work meant that I was home a lot in December. I lost my routine - was sleeping at 5am and waking at 3pm. One night, I let my mind drift back to the peeing anxiety and I can't get rid of it again. There have been days where I have to pee every 2 hours and there is a fair amount of urine to come out. I'm not drinking anything different.
HOWEVER, this only seems to happen at the weekends when I am off work. The rest of the time at work, I feel fine. I'm at the point where being at work is the only time I feel normal. The anxiety of my bladder - which again isn't painful or anything - is too much at home.
Today, I am at rock bottom again. I peed when I woke up at 8:30, then at 10:30, then I had to go again at 12:30, then 2:30 now I really need to go again! On a working day, I usually go 8am, 1pm, 5pm, 7pm-ish and then 11pm before bed. The increase in how often I am going today has caused horrific anxiety - I am convinced this will never go away and my life will be over and it'll progress into IC if it isn't already.
I'm so upset because 2021 for the most part allowed me to return to normal slowly, and losing my routine in December 2021 seemed to bring it all back.
I am just looking for reassurance for the last time - does this sound like IC? My doctor said this is 100% anxiety and hyperfixation on my bladder causing the issue but I just can't trust them. I am desperate and just really need to be reassured either way. :(
Sorry for the long message, I am just desperate to feel normal. I am losing everyone around me because I can't cope with the extreme anxiety around this issue.

19-02-22, 16:22
I think the difference when you're at work is that when you are there you're kept busy and when you're at home you're not and you start hyper focusing on it. Anxiety always makes me pee more.

If I was you I'd try to keep busy and focus on other things. Do things that help you relax, yoga, meditation etc

19-02-22, 16:57
I have been trying so hard but today I have just had this feeling like I am bursting to pee and cannot wait any more every 1.5/2 hours which just increases my anxiety. I just feel so low, I've ended up googling about the problem again which I didn't do for so long now i am reading about interstitial cystitis and spiralling because the symptoms are so real :(

19-02-22, 18:12
I go to the loo a lot as well but never worried about it.

Yours can't be anything serious or why would it go away when you went to work? It wouldn't would it?

19-02-22, 18:19
Thank you. Logically, I know that. I just don't understand why needing to pee has become anxiety inducing to me. Even when thinking logically knowing I am healthy, the sensation of urine being in my bladder is extremely triggering to me and causes the worst level of anxiety I've ever felt. :( I don't know why and I'm trying to stop it as I had before but anxiety is just so awful.

19-02-22, 18:21
Maybe concentrate on treating the anxiety first then the other stuff will go away on its own. Not easy I know but can be done.

19-02-22, 18:25
Thank you. I've started going to therapy privately as I know I need to get a grip of this before it's too late and I've done it before. I was quite vague with her about having health anxiety but the last session I finally mentioned about my urination anxiety briefly. I have convinced myself that talking about it will cause it to happen so I've been afraid. However today I broke down and told my parents about it and am planning to tell my partner too, so when I go for my appointment I am going to be honest with her and see what we can do. It feels impossible right now :( I just wish I was normal!

19-02-22, 18:29
Awww I feel for you but you ARE normal :yesyes:

19-02-22, 18:55
Thank you for being so kind. I hate health anxiety - there is really no reprieve and the focus and anxiety over a normal body function is torture in itself :(

19-02-22, 23:04
I don't suffer with it and I have so many health issues lol that it would be a nightmare if I did :whistles: