View Full Version : Husband getting nausea now with more frequent headaches

20-02-22, 14:59
Hello all,

Some kind souls on here have been helping me with the anxiety of my father having terminal cancer so I was hoping someone could advise/provide experience until we can call the doctors tomorrow.

My 43 year old husband has always had headaches, always in forehead, on waking, once a month or so.

Last few months, he has been having them more regularly, about once a week and twice now he has had nausea. Today is one of those days.

Headache left in about an hour after waking with tablets but the nausea still persists now at 3pm.

My emotional state is quite fragile at the moment and now the thought of my husband having something awful has sent me over the edge. Little things overwhelm me now and i am struggling.

So, do people think we should worry that these mild headaches are more frequent and accompany nausea?? He's never been sick, just feels sick and meh

What can it be?

We have ordered mouth guard for teeth grinding and are looking for food triggers.

But I'm really worried about the nausea.

Help 😭

20-02-22, 17:59
Is your husband concerned at all or is it your HA which is joining the anxiety dots and coming up with worst case scenario? Of course you are going to fear the worst with headache plus nausea (on 2 occasions) in view of your dad's diagnosis but bear in mind that your world is threatened wit your dad's prognosis so projecting this fear onto your husband is quite understandable with HA but not necessarily justified.

My advice would be for him to contact the GP and let him or her make a decision as to how to treat this? Failing that an optician's appointment to examine the eye in detail?

Remember that the headache is mild and has not changed in nature. It's very occasional nausea which has you panicking but there may be a very routine explanation for this?

Try not to overthink this based on your circumstances? Let him have a professional assessment and take it from there? xxx

20-02-22, 18:47
Hi Pulisa,

Thanks for your reply.

Well, we think it's actually food poisoning from a KFC yesterday!! 🙈

He has issues in the bowels which certainly aren't caused by a headache lol.

So I jumped the gun yet again and overreacted. I'm just on a very high state of alert all the time.

We will definitely contact the GP to discuss anyway.

I hope you are well? 😊

20-02-22, 19:57
Finger lickin' bad then!:D

I'm glad good old gut rot from dodgy chicken has cancelled out the "other" fears but don't beat yourself up over jumping to perceived "conclusions"?

Hope it settles soon..

How is your brave dad doing?

20-02-22, 23:06
So bad 🙈🤢

He's doing ok bless him. Turns out the chemo for the aggressive liver cancers had a 10% chance of killing him in the chair whilst they administered the first dose. Terrifying.

He went all in, unbelievably brave, 100% dose, (he could have had 60/80%) and survived. He was ok for a few days then it just obliterated him.

He has the next dose on Thursday 😭 but will have another CT and discussion with his oncologist before hand, to make sure it's working and worth what it's doing to him.

I offered him half my liver last week.

I read that I can donate up to 70% of my healthy liver and it will grow back within 6 months.

He wouldn't accept it.

Crying again 😭

That might save him. Then again he needs new lungs. Which I can't give.

I just hate it so much. If I could take his place for a week I would.

21-02-22, 08:27
I think watching your dad suffer must be absolutely ghastly and heart wrenching but he's giving this supremely aggressive treatment his all and his doctor wouldn't subject him to it if it were not in his best interests clinically as you know.

I don't think your dad would want you to take his place even for one minute. I appreciate that you must be feeling powerless to help him but only he can go through this ordeal and he certainly hasn't given up or shown any signs of wanting to back off from treatment. I'm sure he just wants to enjoy your company and for you to get on with your life without being too overwhelmed by his illness? That's a very tall order for you of course.