View Full Version : Front neck pain - anyone else?

20-02-22, 22:34
Hi everyone,

I hope you're all doing okay. I've been trying to ignore my HA for a while now, and whenever I have a symptom I try to wait 2 weeks to see if it goes away before I panic. This has worked well, until my current symptom.

I've had left-sided front neck pain (about 3cm left of my voicebox) for 2 and a half/3 weeks now. The pain isn't constant, but I do get it daily. Some days I feel relieved thinking its gone, then later in the day it appears from nowhere. I haven't pulled any muscles as far as I'm aware...sometimes the pain is higher up towards my chin and other timed lower towards my collar bone.

Does anyone know if this could be lymph nodes doing their job and causing some pain? Has anyone else had this and it's been harmless? Trying to avoid bothering my GP if I don't need to!

Thank you in advance for your help 😊

22-02-22, 01:41
It’s probably nothing at all hun as you already know, however you have stuck to your 2 week rule so now is the time to visit your GP. People with health anxiety do still need to see them about health issues occasionally. I have a similar rule but it’s nowhere near as long a urs I haven’t worked myself up to that yet , I would definitely crack before the 2 week mark. Make an appointment and let me know how it went x

01-03-22, 14:04
Thanks so much for your reply lovely, I got a Dr's appt and he just kept laughing saying he had no idea what it could be... not sure if that makes me feel better or worse tbh ���� he's given me some blood forms to get them checked for any infection etc but I'm more worried it could be something worse...although I am relieved he couldn't feel anything there which was my main worry �� I still have the pain now I think it's been 4 weeks but hopefully it'll ease off...hope you're okay lovely x

01-03-22, 14:05
Oops - my emojis didn't work hehe