View Full Version : Dream/nightmare about disease!!

20-02-22, 23:07
Hello, just wanting to come on here for some reassurance.

I had a dream last night, and in the dream, I remember someone felt a lump on my head and said to me you have 'leukaemia myo..something' - can't remember the last part. Anyway, I googled it and of course myeloid leukaemia came up!

I haven't even thought about having leukaemia...let alone this extremely specific type (I can't remember if the actual name was said in the dream though as the second half of it has been forgotten). If anything my fears have been around MS, and I have been in a very weird brain fog/disconnection for the past few months after a very stressful few weeks of HA fears. As a result, I have been more tired than usual, but also had covid during this period - so these are much more reasonable explanations than leukaemia. But I have read about people dreaming about a disease diagnosis and then it actually happening, so I am very scared now.

Usually I wouldn't worry if I dream about a disease because it can be subconscious but this just seems SO specific and nothing I even thought about or have recently read about. I don't know if I should just get a blood test to ease my mind or let go and not let the HA take over as it's just ridiculous. Any advice would be appreciated.

21-02-22, 00:05
I won't reassure you about a dream because its just a dream :lac:


21-02-22, 00:24
But how did my mind know subconsciously about such a specific disease that I haven't even thought about lately? The only thing I can imagine is I studied it years ago in uni, or the person in the dream actually said leukaemia myocardis or something that doesn't actually exist, and coincidentally there is one with a similar name. I don't get it!