View Full Version : Mouth ulcer to mouth cancer

21-02-22, 12:38
I have had this mouth ulcer for around about a week or so, very painful hard to eat etc. as it is on my lip. It seems quite big, just worried about why it hasnt healed yet and could it be mouth cancer. 22 Never smoked.
I have been quite anxious lately about other things.

21-02-22, 18:16
I've had ulcers for longer than a week. Try bathing your mouth in salt water and getting something like bonjela.

Have a look at what you can do to manage the anxiety you are feeling. There a lot of tips on this site.

22-02-22, 01:38
Same I have loads of mouth ulcers that have lasted a while. Everything catkins suggested is spot on I don’t really have anything to add. Just reassurance that ur malady is something quite common and none sinister. X

22-02-22, 10:43
I've had ulcers for longer than a week. Try bathing your mouth in salt water and getting something like bonjela.

Have a look at what you can do to manage the anxiety you are feeling. There a lot of tips on this site.

Did salt rinses it stung a bit, read online they shouldn't sting which concerns me?

22-02-22, 16:39
Of course they can sting. Have you ever gone in the sea with a cut, it can sting like billy-o.

You could reduce the quantity of salt maybe if you wanted. I seriously wouldn't worry about it.

23-02-22, 00:25
Also wanted to say stress can cause these, and cause them to heal slower. Salt rinses and finding ways to manage your anxiety surrounding this would be best. It will heal, some can take longer than others. I’ve had cold sores for over a week as well.

23-02-22, 22:04
I’ve had ulcers that have lasted much longer than a week.
I wouldn’t worry about it. Keep using salt water rinses/bongela and I’m sure it’ll heal up soon.