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View Full Version : Could post nasal drip sometimes cause chest wheezing?

21-02-22, 15:20
Hi everyone,

I’ve been dealing with a cough and bad post nasal drip the last few weeks. I have a weird chesty itchy feeling in my upper chest that typically happens when I’m close to dust. If I’m close to dust or am dehydrated it will trigger a cough.

Anyways, I’ve been doing some at home care. Using a steamer, humidifier, drinking lots of water and teas, doing nasal rinses, and the doctor gave me a nasal spray.

Every now and then, maybe once every two weeks I’ll get some chest wheezing that happens on the inhale of a deep breath, not the exhale. I woke up this morning and I could feel lots of post nasal drip and when I took a deep breath I heard slight wheezing. I’ve had a clear X-ray and my doctor thinks it could be allergies.

Should I be concerned? I’m trying not to get anxious about this.

22-02-22, 08:11
Hi everyone,

I’ve been dealing with a cough and bad post nasal drip the last few weeks. I have a weird chesty itchy feeling in my upper chest that typically happens when I’m close to dust. If I’m close to dust or am dehydrated it will trigger a cough.

Anyways, I’ve been doing some at home care. Using a steamer, humidifier, drinking lots of water and teas, doing nasal rinses, and the doctor gave me a nasal spray.

Every now and then, maybe once every two weeks I’ll get some chest wheezing that happens on the inhale of a deep breath, not the exhale. I woke up this morning and I could feel lots of post nasal drip and when I took a deep breath I heard slight wheezing. I’ve had a clear X-ray and my doctor thinks it could be allergies.

Should I be concerned? I’m trying not to get anxious about this.

I know it can be really difficult but I think you have to trust the doctor on this one. They have done an x ray and aren’t concerned.

Keep trying to nasal spray and give that a chance to clear it.

I don’t know without google but I imagine it’s not uncommon for post natal drip to cause some coughing to clear the throat / wheezing if mucus builds up.

You could always ask your doctor if this is common.

If this happens when your close to dust I agree it could be allergies. Or maybe even mild asthma.

22-02-22, 12:22
It sounds like allergies if it’s only a rare thing. Next time you’re going to be hoovering, maybe take an anti histamine first to see if that helps?

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22-02-22, 16:08
I know it can be really difficult but I think you have to trust the doctor on this one. They have done an x ray and aren’t concerned.

Keep trying to nasal spray and give that a chance to clear it.

I don’t know without google but I imagine it’s not uncommon for post natal drip to cause some coughing to clear the throat / wheezing if mucus builds up.

You could always ask your doctor if this is common.

If this happens when your close to dust I agree it could be allergies. Or maybe even mild asthma.

Wheezing went away thankfully once I got hydrated and didn’t happen this morning. It is definitely difficult as I’ve been going through this for over a month.

This sensation in my chest got triggered one time a couple years back, I remember it being exactly the same. It was triggered after a bad cold but I had less anxiety then and I feel like that allowed me to get over it quicker.

During this time they performed asthma tests and I was okay, this was in 2017 or 2018. I also did see an allergist and I do have chronic allergies to dust so I think it makes things worse.

I just hate this chest sensation. It’s like an itchy burning feeling mostly when I take a deep breath, I can definitely tell my chest is irritated but I’m surprised (but thankful) nothing came up on the X-ray.

The last time I just had to wait it out and do all the things I’m doing now. I’m just scared that it’s something worse that they aren’t seeing :(.

22-02-22, 16:10
It sounds like allergies if it’s only a rare thing. Next time you’re going to be hoovering, maybe take an anti histamine first to see if that helps?

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It happens daily where I feel the sensation of itchiness in my chest mostly upon taking a deep breath. Feels very irritated. But dust definitely triggers it to become worse and causes me to cough.

I want to take an antihistamine but I’m scared to take pills due to side effects. I know…it’s silly. But I’ve been trying to build up the courage to take one but I haven’t been able to. My doctor actually recommended to take one daily since my allergies are chronic.

23-02-22, 00:27
I get that weird irritated chest feeling when I have a cold, or when my allergies are particularly bad. So I do think post nasal drip can cause this. I replied on your other thread but I take Zyrtec every morning and have had zero side effects from it. It works great!

23-02-22, 15:36
If mucus is building up in your chest it can show up as crackling to a doctor using a stethoscope. You might notice they pick it up more when they place it on your back. From my experience, as an asthma sufferer, I was already in the surgery because I was experiencing some tightness when breathing.

With it being occasional it's likely linked to a trigger such as your allergies.

Pill anxiety is common. I went through it too. I couldn't even take the safest of things like a vitamin C. At some point you will need to take the step. After that you can build on your confidence. But start with something less likely to have a wide effect you can worry about. Take a non drowsy like loratidine which is so safe it barely interacts with any medicine am in existence and it's been used very commonly.

Yes, you are likely to still be anxious but you can tell yourself it's a safe pill and you have less of a what-if battle with something safer. Your anxiety will reduce as you get used to these things, it will fight you again when you try a new med but exposure is very important, if an unpleasant road we have to travel.

23-02-22, 16:26
I get that weird irritated chest feeling when I have a cold, or when my allergies are particularly bad. So I do think post nasal drip can cause this. I replied on your other thread but I take Zyrtec every morning and have had zero side effects from it. It works great!

Mine is due to post COVID, but I also had this chest feeling one time before a couple years ago after a terrible cold too. So I think bad colds trigger it. I’m just so fed up because it’s been over a month with this sensation.

Yes I definitely think it’s irritation from coughing for so long and post nasal drip causes it. I saw your response and was able to test out half a pill and was fine! I’m working my way to a full one. :)

23-02-22, 16:32
If mucus is building up in your chest it can show up as crackling to a doctor using a stethoscope. You might notice they pick it up more when they place it on your back. From my experience, as an asthma sufferer, I was already in the surgery because I was experiencing some tightness when breathing.

With it being occasional it's likely linked to a trigger such as your allergies.

Pill anxiety is common. I went through it too. I couldn't even take the safest of things like a vitamin C. At some point you will need to take the step. After that you can build on your confidence. But start with something less likely to have a wide effect you can worry about. Take a non drowsy like loratidine which is so safe it barely interacts with any medicine am in existence and it's been used very commonly.

Yes, you are likely to still be anxious but you can tell yourself it's a safe pill and you have less of a what-if battle with something safer. Your anxiety will reduce as you get used to these things, it will fight you again when you try a new med but exposure is very important, if an unpleasant road we have to travel.

Hello Terry, thank you for the response.
Did you experience this itchy chest sensation and it was due to asthma? I did an asthma test after the first time this happened to me after a bad cold 4 years ago but everything was normal.

Seems to be triggered after a very bad cold. I had COVID in early January and since January 10th I’ve been experiencing lots of post nasal drip and this chest itch sensation.

Thank you for the pill encouragement! I really appreciate it. Yes you’re right about needing to take the step. Last night I ended up taking half a pill and felt totally normal, I’ll try to take the other half today before bed. I’m feeling a bit more confident now than I was before. Hopefully by the weekend I’ll be able to try the whole pill.

I’m not sure if I’ve heard or seen Loratadine here. But my grandma takes one Reactine each day and is okay! So I think well, if she can take it then I must be fine to take it.

It definitely is an unpleasant road to travel. But it’s a bit easier knowing some things are over the counter medications and typically don’t have many side effects compared to others prescribed by the doctor.