View Full Version : endescopy tomorrow im so scared

20-11-07, 17:07
At 8.30 tomorrow morning morning i have to go for a endescopy and im so scared i feel like cancelling. its the thought of something being pushed down my throat thats terrifing me!!!!

has anyone here had one before? Please help!

Many thanks Tracie

20-11-07, 17:12
Hi Tracie:D

Please dont worry:hugs:

I have had one done and its nothing like you imagine it to be!!!

They gave me a mild sedative and although awake i barely noticed it going down!!

It is so tiny and on such a thin flexi tube you really arent too aware of it at all

It only takes minutes and its all over!!!

And Im the worlds worse for gagging if things are put in my mouth but I was fine

So please stop worrying you will be fine:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

20-11-07, 17:18
I had it done and it was nothing to worry about at all .,

I was sedated and didnt feel a thing or see a thing ,lol.

felt really relaxed (for once lol).

hope your feeling ok now :hugs:

20-11-07, 17:31
thanks girls for your replies xxx

Im just fearing everything about it even the after effects like will i start vomitting blood etc.

also im scared of what they may find? did get the results that day?

thanks again xxxx

20-11-07, 17:40
Hi Tracie:D

I had no side effects at all

They showed me what they were putting down my throat and honestly its very soft and small it wont damage your throat or make it sore at all

I had mine done cos of chronic heartburn they found nothing and told me there and then!!! They gave me some pills and I have taken 1 a day ever since to stop my tummy producing too much acid!!!

Relax you will be fine:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

20-11-07, 17:56
Hi Tracie :)

I've had an endoscopy and I was dreading it, but I can assure you its not as bad as you think. :hugs:

I was sedated and really knew very little of what was going on, just remember coming round and being told it was all over. :)

I did get my results the same day and it was nothing to worry about as I just had acid reflux which i manage with meds when i need to. :yesyes:

Please try not to worry hun, its really not as bad as you are imagining. :hugs:

Sending you lots of hugs and hope it goes ok for you too. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


20-11-07, 18:19
Im really worried because back in August after suffering with acid for ages and being on omeprazole (2 per day), i was coughing really badly a tickly feeling in my throat caused it and i ended up vomitting blood, spent 2 days in hospital. im now on lansaprazole 2 per day and 2 ranitidine. My throat dryness and tickle is the problem that still annoys me. \ive not been sick since august but before then i used to get sick all the time with heartburn.

i never want to vomit blood again....its so scary.:lac:

20-11-07, 19:18
Hello Tracie !
I've had scopes done in the past and also take Nexium the same as you.
There are NO after effects from the scope and it is entirely painless - make sure the staff know how nervous you feel and they will talk you through everything. The scope is very narrow, it goes nowhere near your windpipe so there is no choking or gagging and it carries air in it so that the camera can see the gullett clearly (I burped a bit after !) so they will be able to see how much acid you're producing and the general health of your stomach. The camera gives instant pictures, and if you ask I'm sure they will tell you. They want to put your mind at rest too !! Tracie, its over in a few minutes and this will totally reassure you. Just smile and think of me burping !- and please log on tomorrow to let us know how you got on. - hang onto that thought - this time tomorrow it will all be over. Well done you !
Be kind to yourself

20-11-07, 19:36
:hugs: thanx so much neptuno and all you lovely people who have took the time out to answer me, i really appreiciate it...and i feel a bit calmer thank you xx

Im gonna be glad when this weeks over ....monday my son got held at knifepoint by muggers tuesday some lorry hit my car and drove off
weds...the dreaded endescope. thurs....laser surgery on my face yucks

Well lets hope things get better.:yesyes:

thanks again all xxx

20-11-07, 23:13
Sorry to go on but... i cant sleep for panicy feelings about tomorrow.
what if its stomach cancer...i feel sick

sorry all xx

20-11-07, 23:38
You will be fine Tracie:hugs:

Let us know when you are home:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x :hugs:

21-11-07, 00:06
I'm sure it will be fine. :) Next week will better for you anyway after your troubles this week. I had a camera in my bowel today and was sick with worry but it wasn't that bad in the end.

21-11-07, 10:32
Hello Tracie !
Its 10.30am on Wednesday and I wanted you to know that I've been thinking about you knowing that you will soon be home and the worry over.
Be kind to yourself

21-11-07, 10:38
don't cancel! you will only then worry about having cancelled it etc. i had an endoscopy a few months ago and was dreading it. i did not have sedation (how brave was i!) and it wasn;t pleasant but it didn't hurt - just felt strange! and was over with in literally a minute. they said there and then there was nothing wrong and so i stopped taking my medication overnight and haven;t had any problems since.

i would have the test done again if i needed to - its the fear of the unknown that's getting to you but as you can see - lots of us have had it no probs. x

21-11-07, 10:39
ps - i made myself go because i too thought i might have something terrible but then i thought - i would rather know and get it dealt with. you will be fine. x

21-11-07, 16:00
hey neptuno, kazzie, joanna and everyone.

Well i did actually go!!!! Sadly the sedation didnt work at all and i must say its not a pleasent experience to say the least.

My blood pressure was high 137/101 before they did it, i suppose that was me panicking(for a change) haha.

They put in a drip and i told them i didnt feel any sedating feelings at all but they just went ahead.....oh my!!!
I got sick in my hair as they were doing it....yucks

and somehow ive managed to burst some blood vesels in my face too.
Well after all that the results are normal hooray!!!!!

Also my BP was back to 117/77 after the scope.

I cant thank you all enough, i truly think i would have cancelled it if it wasnt for you guys.

And to anyone that has to have this done...its not nice but its quick and the relief when you get your results is worth it all.
The doc said ive to stay on all my tablets though, im seeing the consultant on dec 3rd.

Thanks again sweethearts

Luv n thanks
Tracie xxxxxxxx

21-11-07, 16:05
Hi Tracie:D

Well done You:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

21-11-07, 17:01
Well done. :) We are a brave lot round here. :D :winks: