View Full Version : help me please!

20-11-07, 17:25
hi all,

feeling anyoned that im yet again asking for help! but im so so low right now. i lost my appetite on friday and started getting gripey pain in my tummy, then sunday felt the same and monday, my stomach is making lots of gurgleing noises to tell me it needs food, but i just cant eat! the back of my throat is dry and tight like there is somthing there that is gonna block or make me gag. i went to docs on monday and she felt my tum and asked few questions and told me that it was my ibs, i have not had ibs symptoms where tum pains and tightness in tum area or when it make you gag or feel sick! and also i didnt think ibs can make you feel like you dont want to eat? i have been constant shakey from the moment i wake to the moment i sleep, and i mean shakey? jaw clench, trembleing inside, tight body. i took diazmepan yesterday and relaxed for a bit and really fancied sausages and salt, it was great to actually want to eat rather than force it down! can anyone help me here, i have lost 3 lbs in 3 days which has freaked me, prob cause havent eaten or drank anything, but im thinking its stomach cancer thats causeing my bloating and lack of appetite! god im so over the edge worse than i have been before! my nerves are shot and my heart rate semms to be up at 80 to 100 beats per min all the time. please some out there relate to this.


21-11-07, 21:06
hi just wanted to say hello and although i can't give much advise i do know what you are going through. IBS has many ways of manifesting itself. I have just posted my first post about a worry i have but i didnt mention in it that i too seem to me lossing weight - without trying - not lots of weight but just a few pounds - enough to worry me (along with everything else), so i do understand and sympathise with you.
I am sure it all anxiety related!
Big hug to you:hugs:
Take care

21-11-07, 22:39
Hi Saintdee
I really sympathise with you, I too have issues with food, when I am anxious I just can't eat. I really hate it when I don't enjoy food but every now and then I can really enjoy something and believe me your appetite will come back when you have calmed down. I find bananas easy to eat and they are good for you. Take care.
love Mags xxx

22-11-07, 00:26
Try to eat some soup if you can and make sure your taking a good multi-vitamin as well.. Also drink alot of juice if you can and get plenty of sleep.. Dont worry you'll be able to eat soon enough.. dont force yourself to eat full meals if you can't just try eating in small portions a little at a time..

22-11-07, 15:37

Please go back to the docs and explain everything as you have here, it sounds like extreme anxiety, It is very unlikely to be anything more if your doctor has examined you.

If you manage to calm down I am sure you will feel better, try to drink plenty of water and eat small amounts in the meantime, try to get as much sleep as you can - I am sure things will calm down for you soon xx

IBS causes all sorts of symptoms, including nausea in some people, definately bloating and pain. I suspect your lack of appetite is not that, however is a direct cause of the anxiety. I know I have also lost 4 lbs in the last weeks and do not wish to eat but it is just anxiety.