View Full Version : help me please!

20-11-07, 17:31
hi all,

feeling anyoned that im yet again asking for help! but im so so low right now. i lost my appetite on friday and started getting gripey pain in my tummy, then sunday felt the same and monday, my stomach is making lots of gurgleing noises to tell me it needs food, but i just cant eat! the back of my throat is dry and tight like there is somthing there that is gonna block or make me gag. i went to docs on monday and she felt my tum and asked few questions and told me that it was my ibs, i have not had ibs symptoms where tum pains and tightness in tum area or when it make you gag or feel sick! and also i didnt think ibs can make you feel like you dont want to eat? i have been constant shakey from the moment i wake to the moment i sleep, and i mean shakey? jaw clench, trembleing inside, tight body. i took diazmepan yesterday and relaxed for a bit and really fancied sausages and salt, it was great to actually want to eat rather than force it down! can anyone help me here, i have lost 3 lbs in 3 days which has freaked me, prob cause havent eaten or drank anything, but im thinking its stomach cancer thats causeing my bloating and lack of appetite! god im so over the edge worse than i have been before! my nerves are shot and my heart rate semms to be up at 80 to 100 beats per min all the time. please some out there relate to this.


20-11-07, 18:18

Sorry to hear you are having an anxious time at the moment. I too, am having some stomach issues at the moment, and I worry about Stomach/Bowel Cancer as well. My tummy makes all sorts of gurgling noises as well. I am pretty sure it is just anxiety, or a side-effect of the Sertraline I am taking at the moment. I have very nauseous days too. My tummy seems to be a little strange to the left and right of my belly button. There is not a constant pain, just the odd twinge. Or sometimes it feels as if there is someone sticking pins in my stomach! I am pretty sure that you are off your food, due to the worry. The Dr must know what she is on about. They are very skilled people. Try to stop worrying and it will probably just go.

Take Care


20-11-07, 19:28
Hello Dee !

Like many of us with anxiety it manifests itself in tummy problems, this creates a worry cycle of "what if its....." which makes you feel worse and so the spiral continues.

You can be reassured that the examination the Doc gave you clearly identified IBS and you're piling on the agony by worrying about it ! When you don't eat or drink your body will draw on its reserves to keep going - hence the weight loss. Your body needs fuel to keep it healthy. If your throat is tight then have some soup, porridge, ice cream or anything soft. If you can't drink try an ice lolly or ice cubes or smoothie drinks. Be creative !
Most of all be kind to yourself