View Full Version : Breast lumps and bumps need some reassurance

28-02-22, 13:21
Hi all, thank you for taking the time to react my post.
I have found a small breast lump over the weekend have gone down that awful spiralling yet again!
I have small lumpy breasts any way but this just doesn’t feel like I can move it about. I had my mum feel an she said it feels like normal breast tissue and not worried about it.
I went to the GP today and she had a feel but only while I was sitting she said she felt exactly what I was feeling and it could be small cyst or a duct.
She said she was not worried about it but will see me again in a month to check and if any change then refer me in. Of course the word referral and the fact she wants to see me again has sent my mind in over drive.
Is he said if she had any doubt she work have referred me today but to her it feels ok.

Why do all the negative points stick with me and the fact she wasn’t worried doesn’t reassure me .
Thank you for ready , any one else with similar stories?

28-02-22, 17:04
If she was at all concerned she would have referred you straight away. She's probably just being cautious having you come back in a month.

Try and trust what she has said. Don't keep self checking, definitely don't google.

02-03-22, 06:04
I'm going through the exact same thing. I did have a clear mammogram/ultrasound 5 months ago and told myself to not poke around. I believe they now recommend against breast self-exams. Anyway, I felt a small lump about 2 weeks ago, and now pondering if I should go back to the breast center. I can only feel it with my fingertips, and only if I dig deeper, which I know I'm not supposed to do. The anxiety of going back is too much. Once a year is plenty and makes me sick weeks in advance. It's just aweful and I can't stop myself from checking.

04-03-22, 13:25
I also keep checking woth my finger tips and it’s how I can feel it best. I’m sure I have aggravated it this week as I am constantly poking and checking it. I do have fibrocysitic breast anyway so have lots of lumps and bumps but I just keep thinking this is different even though my GP used the phrase “ I will sleep at night “ meaning she wasn’t at all concerned.

05-03-22, 12:28
Is it possible that the more I prod this lump it will aggravate it? I’m sure it’s getting bigger and I don’t even need to feel around for it nowi can put my finger on it straight away. I’m starting to really panic. My mum says I don’t need to worry as the dr wasn’t worried and she said it was small , smooth and a bit mobile.

08-03-22, 19:42
Hco, if you poke and prod at glandular things, yes they will get inflammed and feel bigger! This used to happen to me a lot! Try to leave it alone, and you’ll see it’ll go down in a week or so!