View Full Version : Advice on symptoms

Kelly T
02-03-22, 17:39
Hi bit of a long one but I've felt like I've constantly been unwell with different things for months now..and have lost weight.i have really bad anxiety and the last month I have had problems with gurgling in my stomach and feeling like I've got alot of phlegm in my throat..the doctor has prescribed me lansoprazole I've been on these two weeks now..but not sure if I'm feeling better from them and now panicking myself thinking somethings seriously wrong..sometimes get a weird woosing feeling in-between my chest and feel like I get a rumbling feeling at the side of my left rib..any advice or anyone has simular experience

03-03-22, 17:35
I've had all of the same with anxiety. I'm also on lansoprazole, it may be that you need the dose adjusting? Might be worth speaking to your GP again?