View Full Version : night sweats

03-03-22, 06:17
Good morning,

i am currently experiencing night sweats, on and off. this has been happening for about 6 weeks. 4 weeks ago i went to the doctor, who was not concerned, but i still had a full bloodwork done, everything came back normal. this morning i woke up with my t shirt still damp. should i pursue more tests as i am going crazy and freaking out.

thanks for your time.

03-03-22, 10:42
You need to trust the doctor :).

Do you consume alcohol or a lot of garlic? I always get night sweats when I eat to much garlic.

03-03-22, 12:51
No, I do not consume alcohol or garlic. I am also having chills but lately I noticed that my food intake is very low, and I am not taking in more than 1300kcal.

Last blood test, 4 weeks ago, had my blood glucose at 7mmol/l. My mind is telling me that I have pancreatic cancer as I also suffer from acid reflux. This together with the night sweats and chills could be an indicator of the sickness. Also my weight has gone down a 1 to 2 kilos.....

Totally freaking out.

03-03-22, 12:56
Do not freak out. You had a blood test at the doctor and he/she said it was fine. Stress also can cause night sweats. Did you talk with your doctor about your night sweats?

03-03-22, 13:09
I've read hundreds of similar posts through the years. I know what you're fearing and I can tell you first hand that a damp t shirt does not qualify as a night sweat. When you wake up and the pillow and sheets are soaked to the point that you can wring them out, that's a night sweat. As stated, stress can be a contributor as well as just too many covers. And some, just have a propensity to perspire a bit during the night.


03-03-22, 14:09
I would like to thank both of you for taking time to reply to my concerns. Thanks a lot. It means so much to me!

03-03-22, 23:59
I regularly wake up with a damp shirt. And it’s almost always due to my environment - too many blankets, too warm in the room, etc. Try to rationalize. I agree with FMP - damp shirts aren’t anything close to a night sweat.