View Full Version : Chest pains and worry

04-03-22, 17:36
For the last 6 weeks consistently, I've had random aches in my chest. Like a pinprick, almost itchy sensation. It comes and goes. Sometimes it's in the left arm, sometimes left armpit. It's a worrying ache but I wouldn't say it's painful. Painkillers aren't needed.

It's stayed pretty consistent, has never really got worse.

Even though I haven't done anything strenuous, it's probably muscle related. Sleeping in a funny position, hunched over my laptop all day for work, who knows.

But it's enough to put the worry of a heart attack in my head.

Added onto that worry, I see people having heart attacks on the news. A few more today and a few unexplained ones in young people. I'm not antivax, I'm triple jabbed, but my stupid brain says "what if its caused a problem, and these pains are the start"?

I've been to the doctor countless times over the last 18 months with various things, all put down to anxiety. I had an ECG 6 months ago purely out of anxiety. It was all fine.

I'm due to start CBT in a few weeks. I really feel embarrassed to go back to the doctor about this chest aches because I know he'll say anxiety again. But then if I don't go, I'll feel anxious that it could be something bad this time.

Does anyone have any tips for not reacting to every little body ache, or to stop worrying that there's a ticking time bomb inside yourself just waiting to go off? I hear of people with high blood pressure or cholesterol who didn't know it. That could be me. Who knows? How do you get to a place of comfort not knowing?


19-03-22, 18:51
Hi there, I know how you feel and how hard it is to rationalise when you’re in this vicious cycle. I’ve been having sharp pains, in my sternum, pectoral muscles and solar plexus for about a month which frankly terrifies me. I’ve tried to rationalise but it’s really scary when it happens, especially at night and you think this is it. So far I’ve managed to avoid seeking medical attention, however my niece who’s a Dr assures me it’s anxiety related! It is really physically and mentally exhausting to go through. It taints every thing with the ‘what if’ worst case scenario and frankly takes the enjoyment out of my life. I’ve been to hospital many times in the last 10 years and been checked out, but the fear is still ever present and I immediately fear the worst, whenever I get any pains in my chest. It’s like somebody is playing a cruel game with me and focusing on my weak point! I exercise regularly with apprehension in case I make things worse or make something bad happen to me. The positive feeling of being ok during exercise rarely lasts for long and I try my best to rationalise, but it’s really hard all the time. I feel especially weak, as my wife had breast cancer and I can’t begin to imagine how she coped with the horrendous treatment and operation, that she had to endure and with no guarantee of the future. Hang in there it does get better! Best of health and wishes to you.