View Full Version : Loose, strange color stools, terrified of Pancreatic cancer

05-03-22, 16:11
I realize my diet isn't the best, even though I'm watching my calories, but I really wish I could have normal BMs again. Recently I had stool that was this strange sort of light brown/greenish color, floated, and was really loose. I've been having floating stools on and off for years and I'm terrified that I have stage 4 pancreatic cancer ravaging my body and I'm not long for this world. Please help me....

05-03-22, 17:03
You would have far more symptoms than floating stools if you had advanced cancer!!

Maybe try and improve your diet. Poop can be all sorts of different shades of brown and green bits in depending on what you’ve been eating.

Just sounds like anxiety to me.

06-03-22, 13:09
I agree, although pancreatic cancer is one of those silent and then its too late cancer I think if it was stage 4 you would be having a lot more symptoms. Also you have had floating stools for years, if you had PC you would not be around anymore most likely. I have obsessed over my stools before, it is not good. Now a days I don't look daily, maybe once a month just to make sure there is no blood but I have had all sorts of shapes and colors. I recommend you go to a gastro if you really are concerned but if the problem really is just the color of the stools and shape I would not be super worried (unless they are red, black or sure if you have diarrhea for a long time)