View Full Version : Body jerks involuntarily

05-03-22, 20:53
I have had BFS (twitching) for years!!! Twitches do not bother me in the least. I had several last week. But THIS is causing me a panic attack…. I keep getting like body jerks. I’ll just be walking, driving, sitting etc. and it will feel like my mouth moves on it’s own, or my leg will suddenly jump, my hand….anything. . I had this a few years ago and it went away without intervention. However today it happened on my stomach muscle area and then my neck! When my neck went back a bit (chin up) it felt intense and I knew that was NOT normal. I had to come home from what I was doing take a anti-anxiety meds. I’m so so scared of something neurological. Could this perhaps be a normal /anxiety instead of something catastrophic and deadly? It’s funny, I’d much prefer a finger or leg to move vs. my neck !!! That was new and scary.
I was NOT anxious at the time. I am scared this is a BT, stroke or seizure, maybe MS or something else horrible with my brain.

05-03-22, 21:20
Hi there Lily ... Well, these quirky little turkeys do sneak up on us now and again. I'm a 59 yr bloke (UK) and over the years have experienced any number of jerks & quirks. I'm starting to learn that once your body has decided to play with your mind then you become ever more aware of these 'ticks' ...and guess what ?... the more I focus on them the more it happens. You mention your neck ... yup ... had it there too. Started to focus on it and my neck muscles began to carry all the tension ...and that's what it is ...tension. Eventually your muscles need to relax and after being under strain for hours/days they begin to rebel ...and twitch or actually spasm giving you those weird reflexes. Right now my neck is relaxed but I'm getting strange numb patches in the balls of my feet ! ... What a lot we are eh ?! - Cheer up and just try saying "Sod it." - works for me.