View Full Version : Very intense morning panic attack? Need help

08-03-22, 12:37
I woke up this morning feeling like i had too much energy, like a very nervous arousal or something, and it turned into a massive panic attack, or at least what i think was a panic attack? For up to 30min i had a very strong feeling like i was losing control, fear of going crazy and just terrified that this was never going to end. Also very sweaty hands and feet, rapid heartbeat, shaking and afterwards super tired and on edge.

Does this sound like a panic attack? How can i be sure? I swear i felt like i was on the verge of completely slipping away.. I just never want to feel this again i don't know what i'm doing wrong for this to happen..

08-03-22, 13:04
Sounds like a panic attack to me. Are you feeling better now?

08-03-22, 13:13
Yes feeling better now. Thanks for your reply. I don't know what i did wrong for it to feel so intense.. I've had many of these panic attacks but it always suprises me how super intense it is. How can i get over the fear of going crazy from a panic attack?

08-03-22, 13:23
Because you only have to look at your past record. You have many panic attacks and you have 100% success rate in getting through them.
They can vary in intensity, some are worse than others but you have got through them all.

08-03-22, 13:26
That's true. I've heard many times that if you accept and allow them they pass faster, however i find it very hard to accept such an intense experience..
Btw, the song lyrics in your bio are from my favorite song!

Also, i don't get why i woke up so jittery, i don't usually have that. I think that really triggered a panic attack

08-03-22, 13:44
Sometimes I can wake up jittery. Some people can wake up from a dead sleep into a panic. I just think anxiety never sleeps as such and it’s working away inside as we sleep. The key is get up and get in the shower and then use up some of the nervous energy. Jog on the spot or even better go for a run. You may think you can’t but you always have use of your legs even if they are shaking like they will give way. They won’t. I have heard that cold showers stop panic if you want to try:winks:

08-03-22, 17:20
I think it's the release of cortisol first thing in the morning that sets it off. I know I'm always worse first thing in the morning. As Darksky says get active, get showered and ready, go for a walk. When I'm anxious or panicking I tend to have the urge to sit and wait until it goes, which is always the worst thing for me as it makes me focus on how I'm feeling, I'm much better if I distract myself.