View Full Version : Worried about my 7 yr old

08-03-22, 16:14
Today my son woke up with pain behind his knee. He complains of this a few times a year I'd say, I would love to just say "oh growing pains" But can't since it is the morning when he complains about it, not at night. I have a fear when my children say their legs hurt because my husbands father had childhood cancer and young adulthood cancer that affected his leg/hip. My son is active always jumping running and plays basketball so I know a sore muscle sounds more accurate than automatically assuming something so terrible but my anxiety makes my mind go to worst case scenario. If anyone has any reassuring words or other parents that have had children with pain in their legs that were not at night it would be great to hear!

08-03-22, 17:43
All I can say is that cancer won't come and go so the pain would be there constantly so it isn't that.

Probably just muscular.

08-03-22, 18:08
exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you!

08-03-22, 20:48
I spent many hours rubbing my older son's knees, hed lay on his belly and id tub the backs of his knees. He was in quite a bit of pain in his early years.

My younger son also had knee pain but it was in the front. After drs evaluation he was diagnosed with ashgood schlatter, the ligaments in the front of his knees did not grow as fast as his bones, the stretch made his knees painful.

I hope my experience is a bit helpful to you :-)