View Full Version : So scared - breast biopsy next week

09-03-22, 14:09
I went for my annual mammogram yesterday and there was some sort of "architectural distortion" that wasn't visible on last year's mammogram. The radiologist is concerned and scheduled me for a biopsy next Wednesday (the first available appt). I'm terrified. I googled "architectural distortion" and it's not good - it's a common sign of breast cancer. There are benign causes as well, but of course my mind focuses on the worst case scenario.

I was just hoping to hear from those who have had biopsies that turned out to be benign and how you deal with waiting. Or maybe words from those who have had cancer scares. This is a nightmare for me because I've had a cancer phobia since I was 10 years old. I'm 44 now. I can't stop crying.

09-03-22, 16:07
Hi kmm11. I’m sorry that this is happening to you. I want to give you a hug. I’m also scheduled for a 6 month follow up u/s tomorrow for a lump they found back in October so I’m feeling very scared too since they usually do bilateral u/s. I’m afraid that the previous lump has grown and they’ll find more 😢

I had a scare back in 2019 when I had to remove two lumps which thank god turned out to be benign. The whole experience and waiting was so horrible and I really wouldn’t wish that on anyone. I’m sorry you’re going through a similar thing now. I also have a severe cancer phobia.

Try to get busy to distract your mind and don’t google - Wednesday isn’t very far out. I admit I’m very bad with waiting so I just took some xanax to calm me down and hopefully help me sleep. When I’m in a grip of fear like this I really can’t function.

I’ll be thinking and praying for you! *hugs*

10-03-22, 18:57
I've had benign biopsies as well. I have very fibrocystic breasts so there are lumps and bumps everywhere. It's common now that whenever I have a mammogram, I also have a followup ultrasound just to check because of so many lumps. But before they figured that out, I had a few biopsies. All turned out well. I agree with Eevee - distraction is important. I tend to throw myself into some house project that I've been putting off just to keep myself occupied. Fingers crossed that all is well!

10-03-22, 19:49
I'm not surprised that you are worried, not many people wouldn't be. Try not to google as this may just feed your anxiety, which understandably you will be anxious enough.

Try to remember that it is a biopsy, and nothing has been diagnosed yet. Easier said than done, however try not to worry until you receive a diagnosis.

Again easier said than done, however what will worrying achieve other than making your life a misery whilst you wait? It doesn't change the outcome.

Also remember that even if the diagnosis you are worried about occurs (which it may not), this doesn't mean it can't be treated.

One thing that helps me in my life is prayer. I used to have health anxiety, however I feel that since I have taken my faith seriously, health anxiety I think has gone for me. My advice is to look to Jesus. Let Jesus into your life.

10-03-22, 20:17

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


11-03-22, 14:25
Thank you everyone for your replies. I am trying to stay calm, but my HA is spiraling out of control. I've been having some lower back pain the past few months, and now I am convinced that it is because I have breast cancer that spread. I do have annual mammograms and had one in March of 2021 but what if my cancer was there and was missed at that time? I can't help thinking about the worst case scenario :(

16-03-22, 14:12
Good luck today! Let us know how it goes.

17-03-22, 14:12
Good luck today! Let us know how it goes.

Thank you! It went well yesterday (other than my anxiety). They will call with results within 2-4 business days. The nurses were really nice and supportive and the radiologist gave me a little bit of reassurance. How did your US go by the way??