View Full Version : Tension and pressure headache keeps moving around

12-03-22, 18:45
I'm not someone who suffers unduly with headaches, but have had a tension headache which came on this afternoon. Feels like a weight pressing on the top of my head over the eyes and the nose and ambulating around the back of the head like a tight band. Intermittent pressure in ears and ache in cheekbones.

I don't have a fever, runny nose or any 'cold' symptoms - just feeling a bit cold and getting worked up with anxiety (no I haven't Googled - I know better). My shoulders feel tight as does the back of my neck. Been doing a lot of knitting lately and travelling around with heavy bags and am wondering if this activity has taken its toll finally. Ass fibromyalgia into the mix and feel pretty rotten.

Any regular suffers of tension headaches who can suggest tips on how to ease the ache?

13-03-22, 16:44
Sounds a lot like a tension headache, likely coming from your shoulders and neck being too tight. You're almost certainly right that doing a lot of knitting and heavy lifting could cause the tension. Headaches and pressure on the top and back of head is a classic sign of tension headache coming from tight neck muscles.

13-03-22, 17:08
Any regular suffers of tension headaches who can suggest tips on how to ease the ache?

While I'm not a regular tension headache sufferer, I do get upper back and neck pain from stress. I bought one of those heating pads that wrap around your shoulders and neck and its wonderful for stress and pain relief.


13-03-22, 18:02
Oh just to follow up on what I said, I get awful tension headaches. A gentle massage on the shoulders, upper back and neck can do wonders to release any tension. A warm bath also helps. Even lying on your back, flat on the ground for 20 minutes or so can help your muscles to relax.