View Full Version : Worried about stroke

13-03-22, 05:34
Hi everyone, I have posted a while back about a lot of fears post-covid vax. I was so worried about side effects & have been experiencing a lot of issues surrounding emotional numbness etc (possibly from high stress post-vax, or even from the vax itself - who knows!). I haven't felt like me in about 4 months, constant depersonalisation, can't feel emotions like happy, sad etc - as if my brain shut that off as a protective mechanism from the high stress :weep: Never been through this before!

Now, we are seeing reports of young people dying of heart attacks & strokes e.g. Shane Warne here in Australia just last week. And today, Hailey Bieber had a mini stroke! I also know of someone young who had one too a few months ago. Being a sufferer of migraine aura, this is my biggest fear as it is - I just don't know what to do as I am on edge constantly worrying about this, and it is so easy to create symptoms when anxious too.

I'm so worried I've made a big mistake getting this vaccine. Anyone have some words of wisdom?

13-03-22, 14:07
I know in Shane Warnes case, he was doing intense diets, and probably partook in more than a few substances that would increase his risk of cardiac events. He had a pretty unhealthy lifestyle despite looking like he didn't! Hailey Bieber had TIA due to a very small blood clot. TIA's can randomly happen to young people with no obvious risk factors. It's not common, but it isn't unheard of either.

A known culprit for small clots and neuro issues is having Covid itself. She probably had it and was one of the unlucky few to develop complications from it. The vaccine is far less of a risk for anything like that. There's a tiny risk just because of the immune system itself firing up, but it's pretty much the same risk as when you have any kind of inflammatory response to something. I genuinely don't think the vaccine itself contains some kind of harmful element that is triggering health problems.

You're going to hear of more young and seemingly healthy people have adverse events, because the media likes reporting it now. What the media won't tend to share, is any kind of health history of these people. Much of the time, there's a lifestyle or a rare genetic factor that contributed.

You will also be subconsciously looking out for strokes and heart attacks because you fear them.