View Full Version : Feeling really stupid! Boob dimples

14-03-22, 10:21
I’m going back down the rabbit hole guys, and making a fool of myself.

Little back story…I suffered TERRIBLE HA about my breasts for 2 years 2018 - 2020, where I was literally at my GP every 2-4 weeks with a new breast concern. It was rediculous.
But I’ve been fine since, I haven’t been to my gp for 2 years. Til now.

I have rising ca125 (cancer antigen markers) in my blood tests. It’s normally associated with ovarian cancer, but recent scans have ruled that out, but it can be raised with other malignancies too. So I have started checking myself like a crazy person, and low and behold, it took me back to my boobs.
I found some stretched skin/indentations down the outer side of my left boob when I raise my arm. I went to see GP who said she thinks it’s just stretched skin, but as it’s only on one breast, she wants to see me again in 6 weeks to check they haven’t changed.
So, I can feel myself spiralling, cos despite this advice, I’m finding myself checking with a mirror, multiple times a day to make sure these dents don’t change. But in doing so, I’ve found a new one…on the opposite side of the same breast, again, only visible in the right light, with my arm raised, and kinda looks like a very subtle thumb print. Cue panic all weekend, and me trying to decide if this can wait 6 weeks til I see my GP again!
So I decided to compromise and email my GP for advice via the nhs app. I thought I could attach a photo, so I typed out my concerns and clicked proceed. Next thing I knew, it had been submitted! No option to attach a photo! So that was a pointless exercise, and now I feel stupid as well as frightened. I know they’ll think I’m just reverting back to my old obsessive ways. Hell, maybe I am. Or maybe I’m just overwhelmed by a multitude of scary events recently. Either way, I feel very stupid for emailing my GP now.

17-03-22, 00:23
Please don't feel silly, it is important that you don't. I too suffer from terrible HA and when it rears its ugly head my god it takes over all normal thought process. Any dr will recognise that you are freaking out and hopefully when they contact you they will try and ease your mind. Pls tell us how you get on.