View Full Version : Too much energy/jittery feeling??

18-03-22, 22:25
Does anyone get a feeling like they have too much energy when anxious/near panic?
It's hard to explain but for me it almost feels like i have to go run a marathon or something while i'm just laying in bed trying to relax...
Only way i can discribe it is like a jittery tingly nervous too much energy feeling? I'm sure if i felt good it would be a nice feeling, but when feeling anxious it's very uncomfortable to feel this way especially when you're just laying in bed and not moving around..

18-03-22, 23:12
Anxiety symptom. (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#Excess_of_energy_you_feel_you_can8217t_re lax)


19-03-22, 02:07
Absolutely. It’s adrenaline, which your body produces during the fight or flight part. Totally normal!

25-03-22, 14:36
Thanks for the replies! So also the tingly feeling down my spine accompanied with the nervous energy is normal/relateable?

25-03-22, 23:08
Tingles can appear all over the body, randomly. At least in my experience!

26-03-22, 06:47
Thanks for the replies! So also the tingly feeling down my spine accompanied with the nervous energy is normal/relateable?

Yes. It's all down to stress hormones - adrenalin, cortisol etc.

Try and do some progressive muscle relaxation or burn off some of the energy during the day. I can't do full on cardio stuff because I have fibromyalgia & it makes me feel worse but I do Pilates and walk as much as I can..

And obviously, do what you can to bring your anxiety levels down and that means being mindful of your thoughts as fearful thoughts produce more adrenalin which keeps you feeling wired..