View Full Version : Lung cancer fears back again

20-03-22, 21:46
Posted here sporadically
I’ve been anxiety free for two years and had stopped my anxiety meds for a few months
Couple of weeks ago I noticed I was coughing to clear my chest a couple of times an hour
Started counting them each hour
Then started going down the Google rabbit hole
I now know how many people on average get lung cancer per age band in the UK and my region in it plus all the symptoms.
I was a fairly heavy smoker (15 a day) for 17 years but I quit 11.5 years ago
I’m now getting a feeling like I’ve got a weight on my chest and I’m convinced it’s lung cancer
Sorry to vent to you guys but it’s horrible, I hate this, I can’t sleep I don’t want to do anything that I used to enjoy and my wife doesn’t want to talk to me about this as she is sick of my HA

20-03-22, 21:55
I’ve been anxiety free for two years and had stopped my anxiety meds for a few months...Then started going down the Google rabbit hole...
