View Full Version : Seeing GP has made me panic more!

21-03-22, 10:49
Hi all.
I posted a while ago about pain in the left side of my neck, which I've now had for around 2 months. I went to my GP q few weeks ago, they did bloods and laughed at me and said they didn't know and to come back if it persists.

Went back today, they felt my neck and said there's a 2cm lymph node I didn't know about which really worried me. He gave me antibiotics and said to come back in 3 weeks if it hasn't gone down...I asked could I have an ultrasound and he said after the 3 weeks if its still there then we can do a referral.

Feel more anxious than ever now about this lymph node and leaving it another month 😭 he said I'm too young for it to be anything serious but I've personally treated patients younger than myself! He just laughed and said don't think about it...I don't know what to do. 😩

21-03-22, 20:37
I think he’s just following procedure that’s all. But of course it worries you, it would worry most anxious people. Take the antibiotics and wait and see, there’s nothing else you can do now. And please don’t Google.

21-03-22, 22:03
Thank you Scass for your kind (and rational!) reply.
I wish sometimes I could be more like my friends, who are so carefree and probably wouldn't even blink twice about a lymph node! I accidentally found another node tonight near my collarbone while showering, which I'm telling myself is just linked to the sore throat and possible infection etc.

I'm going to do my best to forget about it until the end of the tablets...that gives me something to work towards! I hope you are doing ok ��

22-03-22, 19:17
Oh I know, I wish I was more rational too! But I’m sure your friends wish they were more like you in other ways.

Let us know how you get on. X